Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/114

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jo3 A^ncrican Revolution,

pitched their camp in the North end of the


1 1 . Then William though: to encompafs the hoft of the people of the provinces round about; and he fent a large company, who took their way through a certain place called Hell- Gate; and they landed on Frogs-Neclc.

12. And it came to pafs, that a chief cap- tain who had revohed from the king of Bri- tain, returned from the province of the South, afcer he had been warring with Peter and henry^ and the fur-name of the captain was Lee; he was a mighty man of valor, and well Skilled in war.

\7^, Now the chief men of the hofl of the people of the provinces communed together; and the greajtr part of the council was for abiding on the ifland, but the captain who had revolted from the king of Britain, thought it not prudent to abide there.

14. He had the tongue of the learned, anil