American Revolution.
he difputed with the captains of the hofl, and the words that he fpake, were words of wifdom that could not be gainfayed; and the chief men hearkened to the words of his mouth.
15. Now there was a ftrong hold*' on the ifland that was occupied by the people of the provinces; and it was called after the name of the chief captain; and Nathaniel^ advifed that it fhould be kept for a place of defence; but the other captain j; was not confenting thereto.
16. And it came to pafs after fix days, that the hod of Britain departed from Frogs-Neck, and as they were journeying on their way, many of them were llain by the people § of the provinces, who fliot at them from behind a wall.
17. And the refidue of the army of the king of Britain alfo moved forwards, about
- Fort Wafliington.
t General Greene. % General Lee, 5 ^ee's divhlon,