58 American Revolution,
could not prevail agaiiift the governor and the men who were with him; and the governor took captive of the people of the provinces three hundred men, and the ilain and wound- ed were four fcore,
19. And when the governor faw the chief
captain fall to the earth, his foul was moved
within him — his repen tings were kindled—
he took the bleeding warrior by the hand,
and the tear of humanity dropt from his eye- lids! — he endeavored to raife him from the
earth, but in vain! — the vital fpirit was fled,
and the fhadowsof the evening were flretch-
ed over him!
20j They laid his body upon the bier— • they bore him to the tomb — to the houfe ap- pointed for all the living! — He received the lad office of love from Guy^ the generous foe of Columbia!
2 1 . The princes of the provinces will be- wail the lofs of their brother! and thy name O Guy! fhallbehadin everlafling reniem-