Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/65

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American Revolution^


brance! The fcribes of Columbia fhall record thy worth, and tranfmlt thy virtues topofler- ity!

2 2. The captives thou didfl take with thy fword, were fent to their dwellings in peace! their wants were lupplied by thy bounty, and the fick were relieved by thy care! The blefs- ings of thepoor came upon thee! and the heart of the captives leaped for joy!


Transadions in Virginia during the Adminifvra* Hon of Earl Dunmore *

/\ N D there was yet war in the land of Columbia; for the armies of the kins; of Bri- tain were encamped in the flrong holds there- of.

2. -And there was a certain governor, cal- led Dunmore; he had jurifdidion over a pro- vince of the Soutn, called Virginia, which