Page:The Analyst; or, a Discourse Addressed to an Infidel Mathematician.djvu/12

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XXXII. Difficult and obſcure Points conſtitute the Principles of the modern Analyſi, and are the Foundation on which it is built.

XXXIII. The rational Faculties whether improved by ſuch obſcure Analytics.

XXXIV. By what inconceivable Steps finite Lines are found proportional to Fluxions. Mathematical Infidels ſtrain at a Gnat and ſwallow a Camel.

XXXV. Fluxions or Infiniteſimals not to be avoided on the received Principles. Nice Abſtractions and Geometrical Metaphyſics.

XXXVI. Velocities of naſcent or evaneſcent Quantities, whether in reality underſtood and ſignified by finite Lines and Species.

XXXVII. Signs or Exponents obvious; but Fluxions themſelves not ſo.

XXXVIII. Fluxions, whether the Velocities with which infiniteſimal Differences are generated?

XXXIX. Fluxions of Fluxions or ſecond Fluxions, whether to be conceived as Velocities of Velocities, or rather as Velocities of the ſecond naſcent Increments?

XL. Fluxions