Page:The Analyst; or, a Discourse Addressed to an Infidel Mathematician.djvu/18

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The Analyst.

there be other Fluxions, which Fluxions of Fluxions are called ſecond Fluxions. And the Fluxions of theſe ſecond Fluxions are called third Fluxions: and ſoon, fourth, fifth, ſixth, &c. ad infinitum. Now as our Senſe is ſtrained and puzzled with the perception of Objects extremely minute, even ſo the Imagination, which Faculty derives from Senſe, is very much ſtrained and puzzled to frame clear Ideas of the leaſt Particles of time, or the leaſt Increments generated therein: and much more ſo to comprehend the Moments, or thoſe Increments of the flowing Quantities in ſtatu naſcenti, in their very firſt origin or beginning to exiſt, before they become finite Particles. And it ſeems ſtill more difficult, to conceive the abſtracted Velocities of ſuch naſcent imperfect Entities. But the Velocities of the Velocities, the ſecond, third, fourth and fifth Velocities, &c. exceed, if I miſtake not, all Humane Underftanding. The further the Mind analyſeth and purſueth theſe fugitive Ideas, the more it is loſt and bewildered; the Objects, at firſt fleeting and minute, ſoon vaniſhing out of ſight. Cer-
