Page:The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (Giles).djvu/136

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A.D. 1047. 1048.

bishop[1] in Sussex, and he lies in Christ-Church, at Canterbury; and king Edward gave the bishopric to Heca his priest. And in this same year died bishop Alwyn[2] on the 4th before the Kalends of September; and king Edward gave the bishopric to bishop Stigand. And Athelstan abbat of Abingdon died in the same year, on the 4th before the Kalends of April: then was Easter-day on the 3rd before the Nones of April. And there was over all England a very great mortality in the same year.

A. 1047. This year died Living the eloquent bishop, on the 10th before the Kalends of April, and he had three bishoprics; one in Devonshire, and in Cornwall, and in Worcester. Then Leofric[3] succeeded to Devonshire and to Cornwall, and bishop Aldred to Worcester. And in this year Osgod, the master of the horse, was outlawed: and Magnus[4] won Denmark.

A. 1047. In this year there was a great council in London at Mid-lent, and nine ships of lightermen were discharged, and five remained behind. In this same year came Sweyn the earl into England. And in this same year was the great synod at Rome, and king Edward sent thither bishop Heroman and bishop Aldred; and they came thither on Easter eve. And afterwards the pope held a synod at Vercelli, and bishop Ulf came thereto; and well nigh would they have broken his staff, if he had not given very great gifts; because he knew not how to do his duty so well as he should. And in this year died archbishop Eadsine, on the 4th before the Kalends of November.

A. 1048. In this year was a great earthquake wide throughout England. In the same year Sandwich and the Isle of Wight were ravaged, and the chief men that were there slain. And after that king Edward and the earls went out with heir ships. And in the same year bishop Siward resigned the bishopric on account of his infirmity, and went to Abingion, and archbishop Eadsine again received the bishopric;[5] and he [Siward] died within eight weeks after, on the 10th before the Kalends of November.

A. 1048. This year was the severe winter and this year died Alwyn, bishop of Winchester, and bishop Stigand was raised to his see. And before that, in the same year, died Grinketel, bishop in Sussex, and Heca the priest succeeded to the bishopric. And Sweyn also sent hither, begging assistance against Magnus, king of Norway; that fifty ships should be sent to his aid. But it seemed unadvisable to all people: and it was then hindered by reason that Magnus had a great ship force. And he then drove out Sweyn, and with much man-slaying won the land: and the
  1. Of Selsey.
  2. Of Winchester.
  3. Leofric removed the see to Exeter.
  4. King of Norway.
  5. Of Canterbury.