Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/175

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124. The Quiches were again beaten and suffered loss at Mukche, because they entered there. A great number of their principal counselors and nobles were lost; many were put to death slowly, and many were taken prisoners by our ancestors.

The day 3 Ah completed one cycle after the death of the revolted Tukuches.

With the day 13 Ah, another year was completed.

125. During this year they took up their shields on the Cakhay on account of the king Lahuh Noh. On the day 8 Ganel the fortress was occupied and truly the chiefs made their great power felt. All those of the seven nations came with Hunyg and Lahuh Noh, to make war, and it was also made by the ancients, the Counselor Balam and the Galel-achi Qatu.

A second year was completed on the day 10 Ah, after the Revolt.

126. During this year the Quiches were again defeated by our fathers and ancestors. The battle was gained by the arms and the bravery of those of Cokolahay, whose divisions met face to face the leader of the Quiches and his warriors. There was slain Yaxonkik son of the Prince Ahpoptuh. Many warriors were slain; therefore great was the majesty of our ancestors, O my children; and they also made many prisoners in this great war of which we speak.

On the day 7 Ah, was completed the third year of the second cycle after the Revolt.

On the day 4 Ah was completed the fourth year after the Revolt.