Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/230

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Ꜫip, v. To take up in the fingers; to pinch.

Ꜫo, v. To sustain, to maintain, to give to eat.

Ꜫol, n. Resin from the pine.

Ꜫop, n. Ear rings.

Ꜫuzꜫum, n. Delicacy, something delicious to eat.

Ꜫuꜫ, n. A species of bird. See p. 204.

Ꜫuꜫuraxon, n. Green feathers; the plumage of certain birds.

Ꜭa, conj. And, also.

Ꜭabovil, n. The deity, God, divinity.

Ꜭaçe, v. To survive, to grow strong.

Ꜭahol, n. A son, sons; also, generally, descendants of a common ancestor.

Ꜭaholah, v. To beget, engender.

Ꜭak, v. To shoot with arrows; to stone. 2. To place onesself in front of another.

Ꜭakaba, v. To show onesself.

Ꜭal, v. To tie together, to arrange in order as by tying.

Ꜭalakan, n. Small bells tied together. See p. 17.

Ꜭam, v. To take, to bear away; especially to take a woman in marriage, to marry.

Ꜭanixt, n. A bird. See p. 197.

Ꜭarunah, adv. The same, again.

Ꜭaxtoꜭ, n. The Evil Spirit.

Ꜭay, adj. Pungent, bitter, strong of smell or taste.

Ꜭayh, v. To sell.

Ꜭaꜭalih, v. To guard.

Ꜭeche, n. A forest, a woods.

Ꜭel, n. A small species of parrot.

Ꜭexevach, n. Substitute, one who stands for another (Anon).

Ꜭiyaley, adv. That which exceeds; used in comparison. See Gram., p. 67.

Ꜭiy, adv. Much, many.

Ꜭiyar, v. To multiply, to increase.

Ꜭiz, v. To finish, to conclude, to end.

Ꜭoh, v. To be in a place, etc. Spanish, estar. See Gram., p. 33.

Ꜭok, ꜭokoh, v. To complain (quejarse á Dios. Varea, p. 414).

Ꜭol, v. To cut down, to send out from, to diminish, to lessen.