Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/233

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Ꜯiꜯot, v. To hiss (of a snake), to squeak (of a rat), to whistle (of a bird), etc.

Ꜯum. 1. The breasts, the mammae. 2. A skin, a hide.

Ꜯumah, v. To suck, to take the breast; to reduce a swelling; to lessen, to diminish.

Ꜯutuh, n. A flower, especially of the maize.

Tzak, v. To throw, to fall; to tangle, to trip; to hinder; to go from the road; to drop a subject, a lawsuit, etc.; to pardon; to excuse onesself; to cease, to die.

Tzal, v. To make war, to give battle.

Tzam, n. 1. Nose, beak, snout, of man, bird or brute. 2. The point or end of anything.

Tzap, n. Fault, evil, misdemeanor. See p. 28.

Tzara, n. A snare to take birds, etc.

Tzayh, v. To do an injury without cause.

Tzatz, adv. Much, many, thickly, densely.

Tzih, n. A word, a speech.

Tzihoxic, n. That which has been said; a passive verbal from tzih.

Tzimay, n. A cup, or drinking vessel.

Tzolih, v. To turn; to return; to turn one's thoughts upon, etc.

Tzuy, n. A large calabash or gourd.

Tzuk, v. To sustain, to maintain.

Tzul, v. To intertwine, to embrace, to sleep together.