Page:The Argonautics of Apollonius Rhodius.djvu/38

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The Argonautics of
Book I.

Unask'd the stern Mycenian king's consent,
Instant to join the warlike host he went:160
Young Hylas waited with obsequious care,
The hero's quiver and his bow to bear.
Next came the list of demigods, to grace,
He who from Danaüs deriv'd his race,
Nauplius; of whom fam'd Prælus was the son,165
Of Prætus Lernus; thus the lineage run:
From Lernus Naubolus his being claim'd,
Whose valiant son was Clytoneüs nam'd.
In navigation's various arts confess'd
Shone Nauplius' skill, superior to the rest:170
Him to the sea's dread lord, in days of yore,
Danaüs' fair daughter, Amymone bore.
Last of those chiefs who left the Grecian coast,
Prophetic Idmon join'd the gallant host;
(Full well he knew what cruel fate ordain'd;175
But dreaded more than death his honour stain'd)
The son of Phœbus by some stolen embrace,
And number'd too with Æolus's race.
He learn'd his art prophetic from his sire,
Omens from birds and prodigies from fire.180
Illustrious Pollux, fam'd for martial force,
And Castor, skill'd to guide the rapid horse,
