Page:The Argonautics of Apollonius Rhodius.djvu/39

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Book I.
Apollonius Rhodius.

Ætolian Leda sent from Sparta's shore:
Both at one birth in Tyndarus' house she bore.
No boding fears her generous mind depress'd;185
She thought like them whom Jove's embrace had bless'd.
Lynceus and Idas, from Arene's wall,
Heard fame's loud summons, and obey'd her call:
The sons of Aphareus, of matchless might,
But Lynceus stands renown'd for piercing sight:190
So keen his beam, that ancient fables tell,
He saw, thro' earth, the wondrous depths of hell.
With these bold Periclymenus appears,
The son of Neleus, most advanc'd in years;
Of all his race; his sires unconquer'd pride:195
Him with vast strength old ocean's lord supply'd,
And gave the power, when hard in battle press'd,
To take whatever form might suit him best.
From Tegea's towers, where bore Aphidas sway,
Amphidamas and Cepheus took their way,200
The sons of Aleus both; and with them went
Ancæus, by his sire Lycurgus sent.
Of those their brother, and by birth the first.
Was good Lycurgus; tenderly he nurs'd
His site at home; but had his gallant son205
With the bold chiefs the race of glory run.
