Page:The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology-ItsFirstCentury.djvu/10

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In the preparation of this book. I have had so much assistance and so many kindnesses from so many persons that I despair of making suitable acknowledgment to all to whom it is due.

First and foremost. I am deeply obliged to the Director of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. Col. Frank M. Townsend. U.S. Air Force. MC; to the Deputy Directors. Col. Joe M. Blumberg. MC. U.S. Army, and Capt. Roger H. Fuller. MC. U.S. Navy; and to the Scientific Director of the Institute. Dr. Robert E. Stowell. They have provided every facility and all possible assistance for the work.

Especially appreciated was the establishment of an Advisory Editorial Board, with Col. John Boyd Coates. Jr.. MC. USA. Director of The Historical Unit. U.S. Army Medical Service, as chairman, and the following membership:

  • Col. James E. Ash. MC. USA (Ret.)
  • Brig. Gen. George R. Callender. USA (Ret.)
  • Brig. Gen. Raymond O. Dart. USA (Ret.)
  • Maj. Gen. Elbert DeCoursey. USA (Ret.)
  • Howard T. Karsner. M.D.
  • Rear Adm. William M. Silliphant. USN (Ret.)

Whatever merit this book has is due in no small degree to the counsel and guidance received from the members of this Board.

All departments, divisions, and branches of the Institute have helped in the preparation of the book, but special thanks are due Mr. Herman Van Cott. Chief of the Medical Illustration Service, and his staff, including Mr. Herbert C. Kluge, who rendered special service in going through the voluminous pictorial records of the Illustration Service and finding many of the photographs which are used.

Special thanks are due, also, to the staff of the Medical Museum, where most of the material for the volume was located and where most of the writing was done. Col. Albert E. Minns. Jr.. MSC. USA (Ret.). Curator of the Museum when work on the book was started, and his successor. Col. John W. Sheridan. MSC. USA, have done all in their power to facilitate the work.