Page:The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology-ItsFirstCentury.djvu/11

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In the processing of the manuscript, the Executive Officer of the Institute. Lt. Col. Vernon S. Oettinger. MSC. USA, and the Adjutant. Lt. Col. Russell Z. Seidel. MSC. USA, and their staff have been most helpful, for which I am grateful.

The services of the Institutes' Ash Library and its Librarian, Mrs. Ruth Haggerty, have been numerous and varied, and are gratefully acknowledged, as are the services of the secretarial pool and the Reproduction Division of the Institute.

The Library of Congress, the National Archives of the United States, the National Library of Medicine, and The Historical Unit of the U.S. Army Medical Service have obligingly responded to every call for information and assistance.

I am particularly grateful to Dr. Esmond R. Long, author of "A History of Pathology," published in 1928, and "A History of American Pathology," published in 1962, for permission to quote from his books, and for his interest in the development of this book.

Thanks are also due to Dr. W. Montague Cobb, professor and head of the Department of Anatomy of the College of Medicine of Howard University, for information concerning Dr. Daniel Smith Lamb's connection with that institution.

Among the many individuals who have been helpful in the writing of this book, to all of whom I am grateful, there are a few whom I must mention with special appreciation: Mrs. Gwendolyn M. Evans, Mrs. Ida P. Gaylin, Miss Betty Krulack, Mrs. Genevieve Overmyer, Miss Helen R. Purtle, Mrs. Esther M. Stone, Miss Cleo A. Warren. M. Sgt. Julia S. Williams, Mr. H. E. Demick, Mr. Gordon T. Harrell, Mr. Myron Miller, Mr. James B. Smith, and Sgt. Bennett W. Thompson.

Finally, I am deeply indebted to my associate in this work, Mr. Samuel Kier. Research Historian of the Institute, who has been most helpful in the organization and writing of this book, and to Mrs. Cyrilla E. Hickey. Editor, of the Editorial Branch. The Historical Unit. U.S. Army Medical Service, who has shepherded the manuscript through the press.

Robert S. Henry