Page:The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology-ItsFirstCentury.djvu/12

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I. The Institute and Its Ancestry 1
The Threefold Mission 1
The American Registry of Pathology 2
"Unique in the World" 5
II. Background and Beginnings
Some Medical Problems of the 1860's 8
A New Surgeon General 9
The Scientific Approach 11
The First Curator 13
Collecting Specimens 17
New Quarters for the Museum 23
Grounds for Anxiety 26
Plans for an Army Medical School 28
The Museum's Collections Grow 29
Hammond in Exile 30
The Second Curator 32
Reorganization of the Museum 32
Pioneering in Microscopy 34
Woodward, Curtis, and the Camera 36
The Museum and the Lincoln Tragedy 41
III. Second Wind 51
Supply and Funding for the Museum 51
Increasing Activities of the Museum 53
The Museum's Fourth Home 54
Praise from Foreign Visitors 60
The Museum and the Medical Profession 63
The Museum and the Congress in the 1870's 63
Enlarging the Aims of the Museum 65
Varied Uses of the Museum 66
Scientific Skepticism as to Bacteria 66
The Third Curator 68
The Museum and the Garfield Tragedy 68
