Page:The Art of Living in Australia.djvu/51

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THE CLIMATE OF AUSTRALIA. 7 for example, the mean summer temperature ranges as high as 70'0°, while the mean winter temperature is as low as 30'1° ; yet the mean temperature of the whole year is 53'2°, affording no indication of these extremes. The mean annual temperature alone, therefore, would be entirely mis- leading, as it would give no idea of these alternations of heat and cold. Such being the case, the actual character of any climate will be far better realized by placing in juxta^wsition the mean annual temperature, the mean tem- perature of the hot, and the mean temperature of the cooler months. First of all, then, I purpose showing the mean annual temperature, and also the mean temperatures for the hot and cooler months, of the four largest Australian centres. Table showing the Mean Annual Temperature, and also the Mean Temperatures for the Hot and Cooler Months, of Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, and Brisbane. Capital. Mean Annual Temperature. Mean Tempeiuture for the Hot Months. Mean Tempei ature for the Cooler Months. Sydney .... 629 70 58-7 Melbourne 57-5 6i9 53-8 Adelaide 631 72-4 58-4 Brisbane 67-74 75-2 64-3 Much will be gained by a comparison of these tem^Xira- tures of the Australian capitals with those of some other cities in different parts of the world. A contrast of tliis kind will, in my opinion, help to a truer undei-standing of the climate of these capitals, than any other. Accordingly I made a successful application to ]rr. H. C. Russell, for the correspond'ng temperatures of the following cities : London,