Page:The Art of Living in Australia.djvu/52

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THE ART OF LIVING IN AUSTSALIA. Edinburgh, Dublin ; Marseilles, Naples, Messina ; New York, San Francisco, New Orleans ; Bombay, Calcutta, and ]Iadras. Table showing the Mean Annual Temperature, as well as the Mean Summer and Winter Temperatures, in twelve different cities. City. Mean Annual Temperature. Mean Summer Tempemture. Mean Winter Temperature. United Kingdom — London Edinburgh . Dublin 50-8 47-5 50 62 9 68 611 39-5 38 40-7 Southern Europe — Marseilles (Francr) Naples (Italy) Messina (Sicily) . 58-3 62 65 8 72-9 74-4 77-2 45-2 47-6 55 United States of America — New York . San Francisco New Orleans 53-2 56-2 69-8 70-9 60 82 301 61-6 65-8 India — Bombay Calcutta Madras 78-8 78-4 82 82-6 83-3 86-4 73-8 67-8 76-6 It has been said that Australia is practically Southern Europe, and to a very great extent this is perfectly true. It will be seen, however, on reference to the preceding tables, that the Australian climate is more equable than that of Southern Europe, for there is not such a marked difference between the hot and the cooler months. In the New England States of North America, as exemplified by New York, there are intensely hot summers and extremely cold winters — to which fact attention has already been drawn. And lastly, in India, the thermometer stands at such a height, winter as well as summer, that Ave can only be thankful our lines are cast in more pleasant places.