Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 2.djvu/114

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Then I rise from her and betake myself to the ablution, first pouring water over my hands and then over my body and returning thanks to God for the delight He hath given me.’ ‘Thou hast answered excellently well,’ said Muawiyeh; ‘and now tell me what thou wouldst have.’ Quoth Ahnaf, ‘I would have thee rule thy subjects in the fear of God and do equal justice amongst them.’ So saying, he withdrew from the Khalif’s presence, and when he had gone, Meisoun said, ‘Were there but this man in Irak, he would suffice to it.’ This (continued Nuzhet ez Zeman) is a small fraction of the chapter of good breeding. Know O King, that Muyekib was intendant of the treasury during the Khalifate of Omar ben Khettab. Night lxiii.‘One day (quoth he) the Khalif’s son came to me and I gave him a dirhem from the treasury. Then I returned to my own house, and presently, as I was sitting, there came to me a messenger, bidding me to the Khalif. So I was afraid and went to him, and when I came into his presence, I saw in his hand the dirhem I had given his son. “Harkye, Muyekib,” said he, “I have found somewhat concerning thy soul.” “What is it, O Commander of the Faithful?” asked I; and he answered, “It is that thou wilt have to render an account of this dirhem to the people of Mohammed (on whom be peace and salvation) on the Day of Resurrection.”’ This same Omar wrote a letter to Abou Mousa el Ashari,[1] to the following purport, ‘When these presents reach thee, give the people what is theirs and send the rest to me.’ And he did so. When Othman succeeded to the Khalifate, he wrote a like letter to Abou Mousa, who did his bidding and sent him the tribute accordingly, and with it came Ziad.[2] When the latter laid the tribute before Othman, the Khalif’s son came in and took a dirhem, whereupon

  1. Governor of Bassora and other places under the first four Khalifs.
  2. Ziad ben Abou Sufyan, illegitimate brother of the Khalif Muawiyeh, afterwards governor of Bassora, Cufa and the Hejaz.