Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 2.djvu/218

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thousand intrepid veterans, bade him set out at once. So he departed forthright and marched all that day and the next night, till he neared the Muslims. When the day dawned, Sherkan saw the dust of them and feared for his companions, saying, “If these troops that are nearing us be Muslims, our victory is assured; but if they be Christians, there is no gainsaying the decrees of Fate.” Then he turned to his brother Zoulmekan and said to him, “Fear not, for I will ransom thee with my life from destruction. If these be Muslim troops then were it an increase of God’s favours; but if they be our foes, there is nothing for it but to fight them. Yet do I long to see the holy man once again before I die, so he may pray for me that I may not die except a martyr.” Whilst he was thus speaking, behold, there appeared the banners with the words, “There is no god but God and Mohammed is His Apostle” inscribed on them, and he cried out to the new-comers, saying, “How is it with the Muslims?” “They are in weal and safety,” replied they; “and we come not hither but out of concern for you.” Then the chief of the succours dismounted and kissing the earth before Sherkan, said, “O my lord, the Sultan and the Vizier Dendan and Rustem and my brother Behram, are they all in safety?” “They are all well,” answered the prince; “but who brought thee tidings of us?” “It was the holy man,” said Terkash. “He told us that he had met my brother Behram and Rustem and had sent them to you and also that the infidels had encompassed you and were more in number than you; yet meseems the case is the contrary of this and that you are victorious.” “And how did the holy man reach you?” asked Sherkan. “Walking on his feet,” replied the Amir; “and he had compassed, in the space of a single day and night, ten days’ journey for a diligent horseman.” “Verily, he is a friend of God,” said Sherkan; “but where is he now?” Quoth Terkash, “We left him with our troops,