Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 2.djvu/219

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the people of Faith, encouraging them to do battle with the infidels and rebels.” Therewith Sherkan was glad and thanked God for their own deliverance and that of the holy man and commended the dead to the mercy of God saying, “This was written in the Book of Fate.” Then they set out for Constantinople by forced marches, and whilst they were on the road thither, behold, a cloud of dust arose before them and spread till the prospect was hidden and the day darkened by it. Sherkan looked at it and said, “Verily, I fear lest this be the infidels who have routed the army of Islam, for that this dust covers the country and blots out the two horizons.” Presently there appeared midmost the dust a pillar of darkness and came towards them, blacker than the blackness of (evil) fortune and more dreadful than the terrors of the Day of Judgment. Horse and foot hastened up to look at it and know its meaning, when, behold, they saw it to be the recluse aforesaid; so they crowded round him to kiss his hands, and he cried out, “O people of the best of men,[1] the lamp of the darkness, the infidels have overcome the Muslims by craft, for they fell upon them in their tents, whilst they deemed themselves in safety, and made a sore slaughter of them; so hasten to the aid of the believers in the unity of God and deliver them from those that deny Him!” When Sherkan heard this, his heart was sore troubled and he alighted from his horse, in amazement, and kissed the recluse’s hands and feet. In like wise did his brother Zoulmekan and the rest of the troops, except the Vizier Dendan, who dismounted not, but said, “By Allah, my heart revolts from this devotee, for I never knew aught but evil come of these that make a show of devotion to religion. Leave him and hasten to rejoin your comrades for this fellow is of those that are outcast from the gate of the mercy of the Lord of the Two Worlds! How often

  1. i.e. Mohammed.