Page:The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Vol 4.djvu/272

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faces of those who were in company and pointing to Abou Dherr,[1] said, ‘This man will answer for me and be my surety.’ Night cccxcvii.‘O Abou Dherr,’ said Omar, ‘dost thou hear what this youth says and wilt thou be surety to me for his return?’ ‘Yes, O Commander of the Faithful,’ answered Abou Dherr, ‘I will be surety for him three days.’ So the Khalif accepted his guarantee and let the young man go.

Now, at the appointed time, when the days of grace were nearly or quite at end and still the Bedouin came not, the Khalif sat in his council, with the Companions[2] surrounding him, like the stars about the moon, Abou Dherr and the plaintiffs being also present; and the latter said, ‘O Abou Dherr, where is the defendant and how shall he return, having once escaped? But we will not stir hence, till thou bring him to us, that we may take our wreak of him.’ ‘As the All-Wise King liveth,’ replied Abou Dherr, ‘if the days of grace expire and the young man return not, I will fulfil my warranty and surrender myself to the Imam.’ ‘By Allah,’ rejoined Omar, ‘if the young man tarry, I will assuredly execute on Abou Dherr that which is prescribed by the law of Islam!’ Thereupon the eyes of the bystanders ran over with tears; those who looked on raised groans, and great was the clamour. Then the chiefs of the Companions were instant with the plaintiffs to accept the bloodwit and win the thanks of the folk, but they refused and would nothing but the talion. However, as the folk were swaying to and fro and clamorously bemoaning Abou Dherr, up came the young Bedouin, with face beaded with sweat and shining like the new moon, and standing before the Imam, saluted him right fairly and said to him, ‘I have given the boy in charge to his mother’s brothers and have made them acquainted with all that pertains to his affairs and let them into the secret of his good; after

  1. One of the Companions of the Prophet.
  2. Of the Prophet i.e. those who had personally known Mohammed.