Page:The Books of Chronicles (1916).djvu/211

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Joshbekashah, Mallothi, Hothir, Mahazioth: 5all these were the sons of Heman the king's seer in the words of God, to lift up the horn. And God gave to Heman fourteen sons and three daughters. 6All these were under the hands of their father for song in the house of the LORD, with cymbals, psalteries, and harps, for the service of the house of God; [1]Asaph, Jeduthun, and Heman being under the order of the king. 7And the number of them, with their brethren that were instructed in singing unto the LORD, even all that were skilful, was two hundred fourscore and eight. 8And they cast lots [2]for their charges, all alike, as well the small as the great, the teacher as the scholar. 9Now the first lot

device is clumsy and the Chronicler was not likely to be bankrupt for names. Perhaps by a curious chance the original names bore some slight resemblance to a sentence such as the above, and the resemblance has at some time been perfected by a fanciful scribe.

5. the king's seer] This title is given to Gad in xxi. 9, and to Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun, all three in 2 Chr. xxxv. 15 (LXX. not Heb.).

in the words of God] The exact meaning of this is uncertain; it may either mean "in Divine things" (i.e. arrangements for worship), or "by Divine appointment" (cp. 2 Chr. xxix. 15 "by the words of the LORD").

to lift up the horn] i.e. to make loud blasts upon the horn; but a slightly different division of the Heb. consonants should probably be made and the phrase connected with the following verse. Render therefore, To lift up his horn (i.e. to increase his power) God gave to Heman, etc.

fourteen sons] Corresponding with the fourteen names given in ver. 4.

7. two hundred fourscore and eight] The number corresponds with the twenty-four courses of twelve members each about to be enumerated.

831. The Allotment of the Courses.

8. for their charges, all alike] charges, i.e. duties. The Heb. text is faulty, but the R.V. rendering probably represents the right reading.

the teacher as the scholar] LXX. τελείων καὶ μανθανόντων (i.e. the initiated and the learners). For a similar inclusive phrase cp. the Arabic "he that giveth to hear and he that heareth," and see further references in Driver, Deuteronomy (I. C. C.), p. 376. Instead of "the teacher" we may render "the skilful" as in ver. 7; the Heb. word is the same. It is to be noted that we have here twenty-four courses of singers corresponding with the twenty-four courses of the priests.

  1. Or, after the order of the king, even Asaph &c.
  2. Or, ward against ward, as well &c.