Page:The Books of Chronicles (1916).djvu/424

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P, or "Priestly" narrative, xx, 2 f.
paḥōth, 205
Palace, the, 163, 166
Palmyra, 199
Paphos, the temple of, 180
Parbar, 151
Parvaim, 178
Passover, the, of Hezekiah, 308 ff.; of Josiah, 310, 320, 339 ff.
Pelethites, 120, 167
Pentateuch, the, xiv, xx, 238, 337 ff.
Perfect heart, a, 93, 160, 165 f., 231, 248
Pestilence, 130 f.
Petrie, W. M. Flinders, History of Egypt, 226, 344
Philistines, the original seats of the, 7; war with the, 74, 99 ff., 126, 286 f., 297; invasion by, 262 f.
Phinehas, 69
Phœnician language, 173
Physicians, 235
Pillar, 271
Pillars (Jachin and Boaz), 179 f., 184
Plague, 193
Play on words, 15, 57, 254, 282
Poll-tax, 274, 347
Porch of the Temple, 177
Porters, see Doorkeepers
Posts (= runners), 309
Precious stones, 178
Priesthood, the double, 102, 167
Priests, 51 f., 303, 307, 312 ff.; courses of, 66; sons of the, 71; David's organisation of the, 141 ff.
Princes of the sanctuary, 142
Princes of the tribes of Israel, 155
Prophetess, 335
Psaltery, 96, 103, 146, 188, 204
Pss. cv, xcvi, cvi, 107
Pul, 34, 37
Punt (Put), 6

Rabbah, 121, 125
Ramoth-gilead, 51, 240, 245
Rechabites, the, 21
Recorder (= chronicler), 120, 332
Rehoboam, 211 ff.
Rephaim, 126 f.; valley of, 81, 99
Rhodians, 5
River, the (= the Euphrates), 13, 206
Robertson Smith, W., Old Testament in the Jewish Church, 16; Religion of the Semites, 83, 180, 213, 219, 224
Robinson's Arch, 150
Ruler of the house of God, the, 66, 315, 340
Ryle, Genesis, referred to, 2 f., 6; (on Ezra and Neh.), 143, 163, 273, 296, 334 f.; Prayer of Manasses, 328

Sabbath, 351
Sackcloth, 131
Sacrifice, consumed by fire from heaven, 195 ; daily morning and evening, 141, 276; sevenfold, made by Hezekiah, 304; of thank offerings and burnt offerings, 306 f.; of peace offerings, 106, 132, 307, 328
St Mary's Well, 323 f., 327
Salt, covenant of, 219; the valley of, 119, 281
Samaria, 266, 309
Samaritan schism, the, xxi, xxxviii
Samuel, the descent of, 41; the seer, 70, 168, 234
Sargon, 309, 317
Satan (= the Adversary), 128
Saul, genealogy of, 62 f., 72; defeat, death and burial of, 73 ff.
Saws, 126
Scorpion, 209
Scribe, 120, 142, 157
Sea of the Temple, the, 119, 181 f., 184, 300