Page:The Books of Chronicles (1916).djvu/425

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Seer, 70, 168, 234
Sennacherib, threatened invasion by, 316 f.
sēpher hattōrah, 338
Septuagint, the, version of Chron., lviii f.
Shalmaneser, 122, 206, 309
Sharon, 35; the great maritime plain, 156
Sheba, 6 f.; Queen of, 202 ff.
shēbhet, 83
Shechem, 48, 56, 207
shelaḥ, 270, 319
shĕlāṭim, 118, 270
Shemaiah, 210, 215
Sheminith, set to the, 104
Shephēlāh, 156, 172, 207, 288, 298
Shewbread, 71 f., 139, 141, 162, 174, 221, 304
Shields of gold, 118, 205, 270, 323
Shihor, brook of, 96
Shishak, invasion by, 214 f.
Siloam, the Lower Pool of, 318
Singers, the families of the, xvi, xlii, 38, 42, 104. 145 ff., 341
şinnah, 205
sippim, 269
Slings, 288
Smith, G. A., Historical Geography of the Holy Land, 74 f., 81, 83, 171, 184, 192, 207, 212, 226, 249 f., 255, 294, 297; Jerusalem, 78 f., 163, 288, 291, 318 f., 324, 327; (in Ency. Bib.), 118; Early Poetry of Israel, 294
Sojourners, 165 f.
Solomon, 133 f., 160 ff.; twice crowned, 167; great sacrifice of, 169 f.; vision of, 170 f.; horses and chariots of, 171 f.; makes preparations for building the Temple, 173 ff.; begins to build the Temple, 176 ff.; brings the Ark into the sanctuary, 186 f.; blessing and prayer of, 189 ff.; the night vision of, 197 f.; cities of, 198 ff.: arrangements of, for the Temple worship, 201 f.; the fleet of, 202; the greatness of, 204 ff.
Sorcery, 325
Spices, 204, 235
Stir up the spirit, 37, 262, 352
Store cities, 233, 238
Strangers, see Aliens
Suburbs, 47, 95, 212, 316
Sun-images, 224, 331
Sycomore, 156, 172, 207
Syria, Syrians, 9, 17, 116, 124; invasion by, 278
Syriac Version, the, lix
Syro-Ephraimite war, the, 294 f.

Tabali, 5
Tabernacle, 70, 94, 133, 274 f.
Tabor, 50
Tadmor, 199
Tamar, 199
ṭaph, 252
Tarshish (=Tartessus), 5, 54, 205 f., 257 f.
Tarsus, 5
Task-work, 126, 134, 200
Tekoa, 18, 26, 254
Tell el-Amarna letters, 5, 58, 78, 121, 212
Teman, 11
Temple, the, gates of, 68, 268 f., 272 f., 291; David's preparations for building, 133 ff.; measurements of, 134, 177; the pattern of, 161 ff.; Solomon prepares to build, 173 ff.; description of, 176 ff.; dedication of, 186; restoration of, 274 ff.; cleansing of, 301 ff.; repair of, 332 ff.; Cyrus decrees the rebuilding of, 351 f.
Tenderhearted, 220
Tent, 69, 94, 101, 106, 186, 274
tĕrū'āh, 106, 230
tërümäh, 314
Testimony, the, 270 f., 274