Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/430

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4H Bibliographies wealth [Boston]. 19 June, 1863. (13) Thp Funeral Bell [poem]. Ibid. 3 July, 1863. (14) Travelling [poem]. Ibid. 24 July, 1863. (15) Greece [poem]. Ibid. (16) The Departure [poem]. Ibid. 28 Aug., 1863. (17) The Fall of the Leaf [poem]. Ibid. 9 Oct., 1863. (18) Independence [poem.] Ibid. 30 Oct., 1863. (19) The Soul's Season. Ibid. 6 Nov., 1863. (20) Days and Nights in Concord. Ed. Channing, W. E. Scribner's Monthly. Sept., 1878. (21) [A letter of Thoreau's to Emerson, unpublished elsewhere.] Thoreau's Poems of Nature. Sanborn, P. B. Ibid. Mar., 1895. (22) Thoreau's Unpublished Poetry [six short poems]. Sanborn, P. B. The Critic. 26 Mar., 1881. VI. Biographies Channing, William EUery. Thoreau, the Poet-Naturalist. With Memorial Verses. Boston, 1873, 1902. [Many highly inaccurate quotations from Thoreau's Journal.] Japp, A. H. (H. A. Page, pseud.) Thoreau: His Life and Aims. A Study. London, 1878. Boston, 1877. Marble, Annie Russell. Thoreau: His Home, Friends, and Books. [1902.] Salt, Henry S. The Life of Henry David Thoreau. London, 1890. Abridged and included in the Great Writers series, London, 1896. Sanborn, F. B. Henry D. Thoreau. (American Men of Letters series.) Boston, 1882, 1910. London, 1882. The Personality of Thoreau. Boston, 1901. The Life of Henry David Thoreau. . . . Boston and New York, 1917. VII. Criticism Alcott, A. Bronson. The Forester. Atlantic Monthly. April, 1862. Briggs, Charles Frederick. A Yankee Diogenes. Putnam's Monthly Magazine. Oct., 1854. Burroughs, John. Thoreau's Wildness. The Critic. 26 Mar., 1881. Henry D. Thoreau. Century Magazine. July, 1882. Indoor Studies. Boston, 1889. Pp. 1-42. Henry David Thoreau. Chautauquan. June, 1889. Canby, H. S. The Modem Thoreau. The Dial. 15 July, 1915. Chambers's Journal. An American Diogenes. 21 Nov., 1857. Conway, Moncure D. Thoreau. Fraser's Magazine. April, 1866. Curtis, George William. From the Easy Chair. 1892 [1891]. Pp. 62-66. EUwanger, G. H. Idyllists of the Countryside. 1895. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Thoreau. Atlantic Monthly. Aug., 1862. Also printed as a Biographical Sketch in Vol. x of the Riverside Edition of Emerson, in Vol. x of the Riverside Edition of Thoreau, and in vol. I of the Manuscript and Walden Editions of Thoreau. Evans, Marian (George Eliot). Review of Walden in The Westminster Review. Jan., 1856. [Never reprinted.] Fedem, Karl. Henry David Thoreau. Essays zur Amerikanischen Literatur. Halle, 1899. Higginson, T. W. Short Studies of American Authors. Boston, 1880 [1879]. Howells, W. D. My First Visit to New England. Harper's Monthly. Aug., 1894. PP- 444> 446-448- Jones, Samuel Arthur [Editor]. Pertaining to Thoreau. Detroit, 1901. [Very interesting. Contains early or obscure reviews and essays on Thoreau.]