Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/431

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Thoreau 4^5 Knortz, Karl. Ein amerikanischer Diogenes. Hamburg, 1899. Le Gallienne, Richard. Review of Poems of Nature. London Star. 23 Jan., 1896. Lessing, O. E. Essay on Thoreau. Das literarische Echo. 1912. P. 1544. Lowell, James Russell. Review of the Week. Massachusetts Quarterly Review. Dec, 1849. A Fable for Critics. 1848. Thoreau. My Study Windows. Boston, 1871. More, Paul Elmer. A Hermit's Notes on Thoreau. Atlantic Monthly. June, 1901. Shelbiu^e Essays, First Series. 1904. Thoreau's Journal. New York Evening Post. 3 and 10 Nov., 1906. Re- printed as Thoreau and German Romanticism. Nation, 8 and 15 Nov., 1906. Shelbiune Essays, Fifth Series. 1908. Muret, Maurice. Un Pofete-Naturaliste Am^ricain: Henry David Thoreau, La Revue. 15 Aug. and i Sept., 1902. O'Connor, J. V. Thoreau and New England Transcendentalism. Catholic World. June, 1878. Payne, W. M. Leading American Essayists. 1910. Prinzinger, A. Henry D. Thoreau, ein amerikanischer Naturschilderer. Salz- burg, 1895. Salt, Henry S. Literary Sketches. London, 1888. Saturday Review. An American Rousseau. 3 Dec, 1864. Schinz, Albert. Esquisse d'une Philosophie des Conventions Sodales. Revue Philosophique de la France et de I'Etranger. Jtme, 1903. Sharp, William. Thoreau. In Encyclopaedia Britaanica, 9th and nth editions. Snyder, Helena Adell. Thoreau's Philosophy of Life. With Special Considera- tion of the Influence of Hindoo Philosophy. Heidelberg [1902]. Stevenson, Robert Louis. Henry David Thoreau: His Character and Opinions. ComhiU Magazine. June, 1880. Familiar Studies of Men and Books. London, 1882. Torrey, Bradford. Thoreau as a Diarist. Atlantic Monthly, Jan., 1905. Friends on the Shelf. Boston, 1906. Van Doren, Mark. Henry David Thoreau, a Critical Study. Boston and New York, 1916. Vincent, Leon H. American Literary Masters. Boston, 1906. Watts-Dunton, Theodore. Introd. to Walden. World's Classics. Orford, [1906], Woodbury, Charles J. Talks with Ralph Waldo Emerson. London, 1890. Pp. 71, 76-95. Mare Van Doren CHAPTER XI HAWTHORNE I. Collected Works Illustrated Library Edition. 12 vols. Boston, 1871-76. Index volume added 1882. Fireside Edition. 12 vols. Boston, 1879. Globe Edition. 6 vols. Boston, 1880; New York, 1884. (Prom the plates of the Library Edition.) New Fireside Edition. 6 vols. Boston, 1886. (From the plates of the Globe Edition.)