Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/432

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4i6 Bibliographies Little Classic Edition. 23 vols. Boston, 1875-76. 1883, a volume of Sketches and Studies. 1882, an Analytical Index and Sketch of Hawthorne's Life, by O'Connor, Evangeline Maria. Popular Edition. 8 vols., Boston, 1891. (From the Plates of the Little Classic Edition.) Concord Edition. 25 vols., Boston, 1899. Large Paper Edition. 12 vols. Boston, 1883. (Introductory Notes by Lathrop, George P.) Riverside Edition. 12 vols. Boston, 1883. (From the plates of the Large Paper Edition.) 1899, Dr. Grimshawe's Secret, edited by Hawthorne, Julian. Wayside Edition. 24 vols. Boston, 1884. (From the plates of the Riverside Edition.) Complete Works. 12 vols. London, 1884-85. Standard Library Edition. 15 vols. Boston, 1891. (Two volumes contain Nathaniel Hawthorne and His Wife, by Hawthorne, Julian.) New Wayside Edition. 13 vols. Boston, 1902. Works. 12 vols. London, 1894. Autograph Edition. 22 vols. Boston, 1900. (Introduction by Lathrop, Rose Hawthorne, and Bibliography by Scudder, H. E.) Old Manse Edition. 22 vols. Boston, 1904. (From the plates of the Autograph Edition.) Romances. 14 vols. 1902. Lenox Edition. 14 vols. 1902. (Introductions by Bates, Katherine Lee.) New England Romances, i vol. London, 1904. SammtUche Werke, aus dem Englischen. 5 vols. Bielefeld, 1851-52. (Der Scharlach-Buchstabe, translated by Dubois, L., 1851; Das Haus der Sieben Giebel, by Diezmann, Aug., 1851, 2 vols.; Zweimal erzahlte Geschichten, selected and translated by Dubois, L., 1852, 2 vols.) Trois Contes, traduits de I'Anglais par Leroy et Scheflfter. Paris, 1853. (Catas- trophe de M. Higginbotham, La Fille de Rappaccini, David Swan.) Contes Etrangers, imit&d'Hawthome; par E. A. Spoil, prdc^dfe d'une ^tude sur Nathaniel Hawthorne, par E. Mont^gut, Paris, 1866. 2d ed. Paris, 1876. (Notice Biographique, La Marque de Naissance, La Fille aux Poisons, La Grande Figure de Pierre, Le Tr&or, L'Experience du Docteur Heidegger, L'Image de Neige, La Combe des Trois Collines, L'Amour du Beau, Les Caprices du Sort, La Promenade de la Petite Annie, La Statue de Bois, Le Voyage de Noce, M. Wakefield, La Catastrophe de M. Higginbotham, La Grande Escarbouncle, Les Portraits Proph^tiques.) II. (a) Separate Works Fanshawe, a Tale. Boston, 1828, 1876. New York, 1902. American Magazine of Useful Knowledge. Boston, 1836. Vol. n, Nos. 7-12, Mar .-Aug. [Edited by Hawthorne, and largely written by him or his sister Elizabeth.] Peter Parley's Universal History, on the basis of Geography, for the Use of Families. 2 vols. Boston, 1837, 1839. Twice-Told Tales. . . . Boston, 1837. London, 1851. Bielefeld, 1852. Twice-Told Tales. ... 2 vols. Boston, 1842, 1851, 1864, 1883, 1893, 1895 (Introduction by Lathrop, George Parsons), 1897. London, 1849, 1851 (three editions), 1866 (including the Snow-Image, and Other Tales), 1873, 1876, 1893, 1894. Philadelphia, 1889. New York, 1900. Innumerable cheap editions, various selections for schools, various tales reprinted in anthologies of short stories. Vol. 11 contains stories not in 1837 ed. Time's Portraiture, being the Carrier's Address to the Patrons of the Salem Gazette for the First of January, 1838. Broadside. Reprinted in the Salem Gazette, 2 Jan., 1838.