Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/433

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Hawthorne 417 The Sister Yeaxs, being the Carrier's Address to the Patrons of the Salem Gazette for the First of January, 1839. Broadside, published probably at the end of 1838. (Included in the second edition of Twice-Told Tales.) The Gentle Boy; A Thrice-Told Tale; with an Original Illustration (by Peabody, Sophia). Boston and New York, 1839. Grandfather's Chair, a History for Youth. . . . Boston and New York, 1841. Revised and enlarged. Boston, 1842. Louisville, Kentucky, 1882. Famous Old People, being the Second Epoch of Grandfather's Chair. . . . Boston, 1 84 1, 1842. Liberty Tree, with the Last Words of Grandfather's Chair. . . . Boston, 1841. Revised edition, 1842. Various cheap editions, with annotations for school use, published since 1883. Biographical Stories for Children. . . . Boston, 1842, 1886. London, 1883. Various lives have been reprinted separately and in anthologies. (Grand- father's Chair and Biographical Stories were botmd in 2 vols, in 1842, with the title Historical Tales for Youth.) The Celestial Railroad. . . . Boston, 1843. LoweU, 1847. New York, 1904. As A Visit to the Celestial City, Philadelphia, 1844. Reprinted in various collections. Translated into German by Neitz, Solomon. Philadelphia, 1883. Journal of an African Cruiser, Comprising Sketches of the Canaries, the Cape de Verdes, Liberia, Madeira, Sierra Leone, and other places of interest on the West Coast of Africa. By an officer of the U. S. Navy. Edited by Hawthorne, Nathaniel. New York and London, 1845. Aberdeen and London, 1848. Translated into French in the Revue Britannique, 1845-46. Mosses from an Old Manse. ... 2 vols. New York, 1846. 1900 (with intro- duction by Bates, Katherine Lee.) London, 1851. Mosses from an Old Manse. . , . Carefully revised by the Author. Boston, 1854, 1893, and in all collected editions. London, 1873, 1883, 1884, 1894. Edinburgh, 1883. Philadelphia, 1889. Separate stories pubHshed in various anthologies. The Scarlet Letter, a Romance. . . . Boston, 1850. Two editions, with slight textual changes, and a third edition from new plates, in the same year. London, 1851. Leipzig, 1852. Reprints and new editions innumerable. Translated into German by Dubois, L., Bielefield, 1851, and by Drugulin, Wilhekn E., Leipzig, 1851. Translated into French by Forgues, E. D. Paris, 1853, 1865, 187-. Dramatized by Peck, Elizabeth Weller (play in 5 acts), Boston, 1876; by Smith, James Edgar (play in 4 acts), Washington, 1899; by Hatton, Joseph (unpublished), dramatization presented by Mans- field in 1892. Set to music by Damrosch, Walter (opera in 3 acts, words by Lathrop, George Parsons), Leipzig, 1896. The House of the Seven Gables, a Romance. . . . Boston, 1 851. London, 1851. Leipzig, n. d. (Vol. xii in Standard American Authors, edited by Elze, Karl.) Reprints and new editions innumerable. Translated into German by Diezmann, Aug., Bielefeld, 1851, and by Drugulin, Wilhelm E., n. d.] (Biblio- thek Europaische, series 6, nos. 540-42). Translated into French by Forgues, E. D. Paris, 1865. True Stories from History and Biography. . . . Boston, 1851. A new edition, revised,~in the same year. London, 1851. Numerous reprints and new editions. (Grandfather's Chair, Famous Old People, Liberty Tree, Bio- graphical Stories.) VOL II — 27