Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/437

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Hawthorne 421 Bird Voices, Democratic Review, Jiine, 1843; (93) Little DafEydowndilly, Boy's and Girl's Magazine, Aug., 1843; (94) Fire Worship, Democratic Review, Dec., 1843; (95) The Christmas Banquet, ibid., Jan., 1844; (96) The Intelligence Office, ibid., Mar., 1844; The New World, 9 Mar., 1844; (97) Earth's Holocaust, Gra- ham's Magazine, May, 1844; (98) The Artist of the Beautiful, Democratic Re- view, June, 1844; (99) Drowne's Wooden Image, Godey's Magazine and Lady's Book, July, 1844; The Boston Book, 1850; (100) A Select Party, Democratic Review, July, 1844; (loi) A Book of Autographs, ibid., Nov., 1844; (102) Rap- paccini's Daughter, ibid., 1844; translated in El Universo pintoresco, 15 and 31 Aug. and 15 Sept., 1853; (103) The Star of Calvary (poem), in Scenes in the Life of the Saviour by the Poets and Painters, edited by Giriswold, R. W., 1845; (104) Walking on [the Sea (poem), in ibid.; (105) P's Correspondence, Democratic Review, Apr., 1845; (io5) Papers of an Old Dartmoor Prisoner, ibid., Jan.-Sept., 1846; (107) Longfellow's Evangeline, Salem Advertiser, 1847; (108) Whittier's Supematuralism of New England, Literary World, 17 Apr., 1847; (109) Main Street, in ^Esthetic Papers, edited by Peabody, E. P., 1849; (no) The Great Stone Face, The National Era, 24 Jan., 1850; (in) The Snow-Image, a Childish Miracle, International Magazine, Oct., 1850; Memorial written by the Friends of the late Mrs. Osgood, edited by Hewitt, M. E., 1851; (112) Ethan Brand, or. The Unpardonable Sin, Dollar Magazine, May, 1851 ; (113) Peathertop, a Moral- ized Legend, International Magazine, Feb.-Mar., 1852; (114) Uttoxeter, The Keepsake, London, 1857; (115) "Browne's Folly," Weal Reaf, 4-8 Sept., i860; (116) Some of the Haunts of Bums, by a Tourist without Imagination or En- thusiasm, Atlantic Monthly, Oct., i860; (117) Near Oxford, ibid., Oct., 1861; (118) A Pilgrimage to Old Boston, ibid., Jan., 1862; (119) Chiefly about War Matters, by a Peaceable Man, ibid., Dec, 1862; (120) Leamington Spa, ibid., Oct., 1862; (121) About Warwick, ibid., Dec, 1862; (122) Recollections of a Gifted Woman, ibid., Jan., 1863; (123) A London Suburb, ibid., Mar., 1863; (124) Up the Thames, ibid.. May, 1863; (125) Outside Glimpses of English Poverty, ibid., July, 1863; (126) Civic Banquets, »Wi., Aug.,'1863; (127) A Scene from the Dolliver Romance, ibid., July, 1864; (128) Another Scene from the DolUver Romance, ibid., July, 1864; (129) A Passage from Hawthorne's English Note- Books, ibid., July, 1867; (130) First Impressions of France and Italy, Good Words, 1871; (131) Septimius Felton, Atlantic Monthly, Jan.-Aug., 1872; (132) A Look into Hawthorne's Workshop (from his notes for Dr. Grimshawe's Secret), Cen- tury Magazine, Jan., 1883; (133) The Elixir of Life (from his notes for Dr. Grim- shawe's Secret), Lippincott's Magazine, Jan.-Apr., 1890; (134) The Ghost of Dr. Harris, Nineteenth Century, Jan., 1900; Littell's Living Age, 10 Feb., 1900; The Critic, Apr., 1900. III. Biography and Criticism Alcott, Amos Bronson. Hawthorne. In Concord Days. Boston, 1872. Arvfede, Barine. Puritain ou Pessimiste. Revue Politique et Litt&aire, vol. 19, 1880. Un Roman Posthume de Nathaniel Hawthorne. Revue Politique et Litt^raire, vol. 24, 1887. Belden, Henry Marvin. Poe's Criticism of Hawthorne. Anglia, new series, vol. 2. pp. 376-404. [Benjamin, Park.] A Review of The Token for 1836. American Monthly Magazine, Oct., 1836. Bernard, Ossorio y. Los Cuentos de N. Hawthorne. Revista europea. Madrid, 22 Aug., 1875.