Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/438

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422 Bibliographies Bradford, Thomas. The Romances of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Westminster Review, Aug., 1894. Bridge, Horatio. Personal Recollections of Nathaniel Hawthorne. 1893. Based on three papers contributed to Harper's Magazine, Jan.-Mar., 1892. Browne, Nina E. A Bibliography of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Boston, 1905. [The basis of later Hawthorne bibliography and much used in the present compilation.] Brownell, William Crary. Hawthorne. In American Prose Masters. 1909. Buchner, Al. La Litt^rature aux Etats-Unis. Revue des Cours Litt^aires, vol. 5, 1867. Coleridge, M. E. Questionable Shapes of Hawthorne. Littell's Living Age, 6 Aug., 1904. Conway, Moncure Daniel. Concerning Hawthorne and Brook Farm. Every Saturday, 2 Jan., 1869. Lif 6 of Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1890. Hawthorne, His Uncollected Tales in The Token Beginning with 1830. New York Times Saturday Review, 8 June, 1 90 1. Cooke, George WilUs. Concord History and Life. New England Magazine, June, 1898. Curtis, George William. Nathaniel Hawthorne. In Literary and Social Essays, 1895. Hawthorne and Brook Farm. In From the Easy Chair, Series 3, 1894. Dhaleine, L. N. Hawthorne, sa Vie et son (Euvre. Paris, 1905. Dicey, Edward. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Macmillan's Magazine. May, 1864. D[uyckinck], E[vert] A[ugustus]. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Arcturus, May, 1841. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Democratic Review, Apr., 1845. Erskine, John. Nathaniel Hawthorne. In Leading American Novelists. 1910. Hawthorne. In Great American Writers, by Trent, W. P., and Erskine, J. 1912. Essex Institute. Exercises in Commemoration of the Centennial of the Birth of Nathaniel Hawthorne by the Essex Institute, Salem, Mass., Thursday afternoon, June 23, 1904. Salem, 1904. Etienne, L. Conteurs am^ricains. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Revue Contem- poraine, 30 May, 1857. Evans, E. P. Beitrage zur amerikanischen litteratur- und kulturgeschichte. Stuttgart, 1898. de la Faverie, A. Schalck. Nathaniel Hawthorne. La Grande Revue, 1907. In Premiers Interprfetes de la pensfe am^ricaine. Paris, 1909. Ferguson, J. de Lancey. American Literature in Spain. 1916. [The invaluable bibliography furnishes the Spanish items here given.] Fields, James Thomas. Hawthorne. In Yesterdays with Authors. Boston, 1875. Hawthorne. Boston, 1876. Fields, Mrs. Annie (Adams). Nathaniel Hawthorne. Boston, 1899. Forgues, Paul Emile Dourand. Pontes et Romanciers Am^ricains. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Revue des Deux Mondes, 15 April, 1852. Gates, Lewis Edwards. Hawthorne. In Studies and Appreciations. Boston, 1900. de Gourmont, R^my. Nathaniel Hawthorne et le Roman Analj^ique. I. L'CEuvre de Hawthorne. II. Les Successeurs de Hawthorne. Le Con- temporain, vol. 3, 1884. Gribble, Francis. Hawthorne from an English Point of View. Critic, July, 1904. Two Centenaries: Nathaniel Hawthorne and George Sand. Fort- nightly Review, 1904.