Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/439

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Hawthorne 423 Griswold, Rufus Wilmot. Nathaniel Hawthorne. International Magazine, Nov., 1851. The Hawthorne Centenary Celebration at the Wayside, Concord, Mass., July 4-7, 1904. Boston, 1905. Hawthorne, Julian. Nathaniel Hawthorne and his Wife. Boston, 1885, 2 vols. Hawthorne and his Circle. New York, 1903. Hawthorne, Mrs. [Sophia Peabody]. Notes in England and Italy. 1869. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. An Evening with Mrs. Hawthorne. Atlantic Monthly, Oct., 1871. In Contemporaries, Boston, 1899. [Hofiman, Charles Fenno. Review of Hawthorne's Twice-Told Tales. Boston, 1837.] American Monthly Magazine, Mar., 1838. Holmes, Oliver Wendell. [On Hawthorne's Death.] Atlantic Monthly, July, 1864. Howe, Mrs. Julia Ward. Two Glimpses of Hawthorne. Critic, 18 June, 1881. Howells, William Dean. In My Literary Passions, 1895. Hawthorne's Hester Prynne, Hawthorne's Zenobia and Priscilla, and Miriam and Hilda. In Heroines of Fiction. 2 vols., 1901. The Personality of Hawthorne. [Re- view of Hawthorne and his Circle.] North American Review. Dec, 1903. Hutton, Richard Holt. Nathaniel Hawthorne. In Essays, Theological and Literary, 1871. Nathaniel Hawthorne. In Essays in Literary Criticism, 1876. Na-thaniel Hawthorne. In Literary Essays, 1888. James, Henry. Hawthorne. (English Men of Letters series.) London, 1879. New York, 1880, 1887. Hawthorne's French and Italian Journals. Nation, 14 Mar., 1872. Nathaniel Hawthorne. In Warner's Library of the World's Best Literature, 1897. Jepson, George Edwin. Hawthorne in the Boston Custom House. Bookman, Aug., 1904. Lamarca, Carlos Navarro. Novelistas Norte- Americanos; Nathaniel Hawthorne. Helios, Madrid, June, 1903. Lang, Andrew. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Independent, 26 Sept., 1889. In Adventures among Books, London, 1905. Lathrop, George Parsons. A Study of Hawthorne. Boston, 1876. History of Hawthorne's Last Romance. Atlantic Monthly, Oct., 1872. Poe, Irving, and Hawthorne. Scribner's Magazine, Apr., 1876. The Hawthorne Manu- scripts. Atlantic Monthly, Mar., 1883. Some Portraits of Hawthorne. Century Magazine, Apr., 1887. [Review of] Hawthorne's First Diary. The Book Buyer, Feb., 1898. Some Forgotten Hawthorne Verses, printed in 1845 in one of Griswold's books, and their authenticity. New York Times Saturday Review, 19 Mar., 1898. Lathrop, Rose Hawthorne. The Hawthomes in Lenox; told in Letters by Nathaniel and Mrs. Hawthorne. Centiu-y Magazine, Nov., 1894. Some Memories of Hawthorne. Atlantic Monthly, Feb.-Apr., 1896. Memories of Hawthorne. Boston, 1897. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Hawthorne's Twice-Told Tales. North American Review, July, 1837. In Longfellow's Prose Works, Riverside Edition, vol. i, 1886. Lowell, James Russell. [Review of The Marble Faun.] Atlantic Monthly, Apr., i860. Mabie, Hamilton Wright. Hawthorne in the New World. In Backgrounds of Literature, 1904. Matthews, Brander. Nathaniel Hawthorne, gt. Nicholas, Mar., 1895, In Introduction to the Study of American Literature, 1896,