Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/440

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424 Bibliographies Mitford, Mary Russell. American Prose Writers, Nathaniel Hawthorne. In Recollections of a Literary Life. London, 1852. Mont^gut, Emile. Un Roman Socialiste en Am^rique. Revue des Deux Mondes, i Dec, 1852. Un Romancier Pessimiste en Am^rique. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Revue des Deux Mondes, I Aug., i860. Contes Etrangers imitfe d 'Hawthorne par E. A. Spoil, pr^c&l& d'une Etude par E. Mont^gut. Paris, 1866. More, Paul Elmer. The Solitude of Hawthorne. Atlantic Monthly, Nov., 1901, In Shelbume Essays, 1904. The Origins of Hawthorne and Poe. Shel- bume Essays, 1904. Looking Before and After. Independent, 30 June, 1904. Peabody, Elizabeth Palmer. The Genius of Hawthorne [Review of The Marble Faun.] Atlantic Monthly, Sept., 1868. Hawthorne's Marble Faun. In Last Evening with Allston, Boston, 1886. Perry, Bliss. The Centenary of Hawthorne. Atlantic Monthly Aug., 1904. Pickard, Samuel Thomas. Hawthorne's First Diary; with an account of its discovery and loss. Boston, 1897. Is "Hawthorne's First Diary" a Forgery? Dial, 16 Sept., 1902. [The diary was later suppressed as spurious.] Poe, Edgar Allan. [Two Reviews of Twice-Told Tales.] Graham's Magazine. Apr.-May, 1842. Nathaniel Hawthorne. In The Literati, 1850. Quesnel, Leo. La Litt^rature d'Imagination aux Etats-Unis. Revue Politique et Litt&aire, vol. vi, 1874. Romanciers Am^ricains — Nathaniel Hawthorne. Revue des Cours Litt^raires, vol. xvii, 1879. La Litt&ature aux Etats-Unis. Nouvelle Revue, vol. xvi, 1882. Sch6nbach, Anton. Beitrage zur Charakteristik Nathaniel Hawthorne's. Englische Studien, 1884; issued in pamphlet form the same year; in Ge- scmmelte Aufsatze zur neueren Litteratur in Deutschland, Oesterreich, Amerika. Graz, 1900. Steam, F. P. The Life and Genius of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Philadelphia, 1906. Stephen, Leslie. Hours in a Library. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Comhill Maga- zine, Dec, 1872; In Hours in a Library, London, 1874, 1875. Stoddard, Richard Henry. Nathaniel Hawthorne. In Encyclopedia Britannica, 9th edition, 1880. My Acquaintance with Hawthorne. In Recollections Personal and Literary, 1903. Swift, Lindsay. Brook Farm, its Members, Scholars, and Visitors. 1900. Symons, Arthur. An Estimate of Hawthorne. TheLamp, Mar., 1904. Nathaniel Hawthorne. In Studies in Prose and Verse. London, 1904. Taylor, Bayard. Hawthorne. In Critical Essajfs and Literary Notes, 1883. Ticknor, Caroline. Hawthorne and his Publisher. Boston and New York, 1913. Ticknor, Howard M. Hawthorne as seen by his PubUshers. Critic, July, 1904. Trollope, Anthony. The Genius of Nathaniel Hawthorne. North American Review, Sept., 1879. Underwood, Francis H. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Good Words, Oct., 1887. Uzanne, Octave. La Decadence des Livres. La Grande Revue, 1906. Whipple, Edwin Percy. Nathaniel Hawthorne. Atlantic Monthly, May, i860. In Character and Characteristic Men. Boston, 1886. Woodberry, George Edward. Hawthorne in his Own Family. Nation, 18 Dec,, 1884. Hawthorne and Everett. Nation, 9 Oct., 1902. Nathaniel Haw- thorne. (American Men of Letters series.) Boston, 1902. [The Influence of Puritanism on Hawthorne.] Harper's Magazine, Feb., 1903.