Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/447

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Longfellow 43 1 and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Settlement of Cambridge. . • . Cambridge, 1881, p, 29-30, Longfellow's Commencement Oration: Our Native Writers. [Delivered 7 Sept., 1825.] Every Other Saturday, Boston, April 12, 1884. Additional Notes on the Divine Comedy. Fourth Annual Report of the Dante Society, Cambridge, 1885, pp. 15-31. The Youth of Mary Stuart. A Hitherto Unpublished Essay [Written in 1829.] Harper's Monthly, Feb., 1905. III. Biography and Criticism Aldrich, T. B. Longfellow: 1807-1907. Atlantic Monthly, March, 1907. Anderson, J. P. Bibliography. [Appended to Life by Robertson, E.S. 5ee below.] Appeknann, A. H. Longfellow's Poems on Slavery in Their Relationship to Freiligrath. Modem Language Notes, April, 1915. The Relation of Longfellow's Evangeline to Tegn&'s Frithiofs Saga. Publications of the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study, July, 1915. Amaud, S. La L^gende Dorfe de Longfellow. Le Correspondant, Paris, 10 July, 1872. ' Austin, G. L. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: his Life, his Works, his Friend- ships. Boston, 1883. [Bibliography, pp. 405-410.] Axon, W. E. A. On the Sources of Longfellow's Tales of a Wayside Iim. Royal Society of Literature Transactions, vol. 30, London, 191 1, pp. 159-172. Bandow, C. Die Lyrischen und Epischen Gedichte.des Americaners H. W. Longfellow. Bromberg, 1856. Baldensperger, F. Une lettre In^dite de Longfellow [k Xavier Marmier]. Revue Germanique, Paris, 1905. Baumgartner, A. Longfellow's Dichtungen: Ein literarisches Zeitbild aus dem Geistesleben Nordamerika's. Freiburg im Breisgau,' 1887. Bechger, A. Literarisch-Biographische Studie. Culemborg, 1883. Broili, 0. Die Hauptquellen von LongfeUows Song of Hiawatha. Wflrzburg, 1898. Buchmann, G. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Berlin, 1858. Bulkley, R. W. Longfellow. The Hague, 1882. Byron, M. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. London, n. d. [1913]. Caine, T. H. H. W. Longfellow: In Memoriam. The London Athenaeum. I April, 1882. Cambridge Historical Society Proceedings: Celebration of the Longfellow Centenary, February 27, 1907. Cambridge, 1907. Camerini, E. Enrico W. Longfellow. Nuovi Profili Letterari. Milano, 1875. Campbell, T. M. LongfeUows Wechselbeziehungen zu der deutschen Litera- tur. . . . Leipzig, 1907. Carpenter, G. R. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The Beacon Biographies. Boston, 1901. [Bibliography, pp. 147-150.] Cattaneo, C. II Poeta Americano Longfellow. Opere. . . . Firenze, 1883. Vol. 2, pp. 177-189. Chamberlain, J. C. [See Livingston, L. S.] Chasles, P. Etudes sur la Litt^rature et les Moeurs des Anglo-Am&icains au XIXe Sifecle. Paris, n. d. [1851]. [Chew, B.] The Longfellow Collectors' Hand-Book: A Bibliography of First Editions. New York, 1885.