Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/448

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432 Bibliographies Chimenti, F. Note de Letteratura Americana. Ban, 1894. — Larghi Orezzonti. Bari, 1897, pp. 3-36. Cochin, A. La Po^sie en Am^rique: Henry Longfellow. Le Correspondant, Paris, ID July, 1869. Covert, J. M. Quelques Pofetes Am^ricains: Longfellow, Whitman, Poe. Lyon, 1904. Curtis, G. W. Longfellow. Homes of American Authors, 1853. Longfellow. Atlantic Monthly, Dec, 1864. Davidson, T. H. W. Longfellow. Boston, 1882. D^pret, L. Longfellow. Le Va-et-Vient. Paris, n. d. [1866]. La Po^sie en Am6rique: Henry-Wadsworth Longfellow. Lille, 1876. Chez les Anglais. Shakespeare, Dickens, Longfellow. Paris, 1879. De Prins, A. Etudes Am6ricaines. Longfellow. Essai Moral et Litt&aire. Revue Catholique, Feb., 1875 — March, 1876. [Reprinted] Louvain, 1877. Dexter, D. G. Life and Works of Henry W. Longfellow. Cambridge, 1882. Dobson, A. H. W. Longfellow: In Memoriam. The London Athenaeum, i April, 1882. D6hn, R. Aus dem amerikanischen Dichterwald. Leipzig, 1881. Dole, N. H. Longfellow and Mendelssohn. The Dial, 17 Feb., 1916. Dudley, A. Longfellow: Tendences de la Po6sie Am^ricaine. Revue des Deux Mondes, 15 Nov., 1854. Durant, H. M. Longfellow's Conquest of England. Outlook, 16 Feb., 1907. Edgren, H. Antecedents of Longfellow's 'King Robert of Sicily.' Poet Lore, Boston, Jan.-March, 1903. Edwards, G. T. The Youthful Haunts of Longfellow. Portland, 1907. Eliot, C. W. Address: Celebration of the Longfellow Centenary. Cambridge Historical Society Proceedings, 27 Feb., 1907. Fields, A. Longfellow: 1807-1882. Authors and Friends. Boston and New York, 1896. Goebel, J. Longfellow als Vermittler deutscher Geisteskultur. Der Kampf um deutsche Kultur in Amerika. . . . Leipzig, 1914. Gribble, F. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Criticism. Fortnightly Review, I Feb., 1907. Hale, E. E. Five Prophets of To-day. Boston, 1892. Hall, H. M. Longfellow's Letters to Samuel Ward. . . . Putnam's Magazine, Oct.-Dec, 1907. Hart, J. M. Hoffmann and Longfellow. The Nation, 9 Jan., 1907. Herbin, J. F. TheHistory of Grand- Pr6: The Home of Longfellow's Evangeline. Toronto, 1907. Higginson, M. T. New Longfellow Letters. Harper's Monthly, April, 1903. Higginson, T. W. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. American Men of Letters, Boston and New York, 1902. [Bibliography, pp. 303-316.] Hill, M. G. Some of Longfellow's Sources for the Second Part of Evangeline. Publications of the Modem Language Association of America, vol. 31, 1916, pp. 161-180. Holmes, O. W. Our Dead Singer: H. W. L. Atlantic MontMy, June, 1882. Howells, W. D. The White Mr. Longfellow. Literary Friends and Acquain- tance. . . . New York and London, 1900. The Art of Longfellow. North American Review, March, 1907. Johnson, A. Longfellows F6rha.llande till den Skandinaviska Litteraturen. Valkyrian, New York, May, 1907.