Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/449

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Longfellow 433 Johnson, A. Some Unpublished Longfellow Letters. German-American Annals, May-June, 1907. The Relation of Longfellow to Scandinavian Literature. The American Scandinavian Review, Jan., 1915. Kennedy, W. S. Henry W. Longfellow: Biography, Anecdote, Letters, Criticism. Cambridge, 1882. [Bibliography, pp. 353-362.] Knortz, K. Longfellow: Literar-historische Studie. Hamburg, 1879. Folkloristisches in Longfellow's Evangeline. Amerikanische Redensarten und Volksgebrauche, Leipzig, 1907. Kratz, F. Das deutsche Element in den Werken H. W. Longfellows. 2 vols. Wasserburg, 1901, 1902. Kreyenberg, G. Longfellow: Ein deutscher Dichter. Herrigs Archiv., vol. 41, 1867. Lefaivre, A. La Po^sie aux i^tats-Unis. Quebec, 1881. Le Gallienne, R. On Re-reading Longfdlow. Harper's Weekly, 29 Jan., 1916. Legler, H. E. Longfellow's Hiawatha: Bibliographical Notes concerning its Origin, its Translations, and its Contemporary Parodies. The Literary Collector, vol. 9, Greenwich, Coim., 1904. Livingston, L. S. A Bibliography of the First Editions in Book Form of the Writings of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; compiled largely from the collec- tion formed by the late Jacob Chester Chamberlain with assistance from his notes and memoranda. New York, 1908. Longfellow, A. M. Longfellow in Home Life. The Cambridge Magazine, March, 1896. Longfellow, S. Life of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, with Extracts from his Journals and Correspondence. 2 vols. Boston, 1886. [.Final Memorials of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Boston, 1887. Life of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. ... [A new arrangement of the two works above.] 3 vols. Boston and New York, 1891. [Bibliography, vol. 3, pp. 427-437-] Longfellow Memorial. Prom the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society. 13 April, 1882. [Boston, 1907.] Longfellow Memorial Association. Cambridge, 1907. Longfellow National Memorial Association. The Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Memorial Statue; Exercises at the Unveiling, May 7, 1909, Washington, D. C. [Boston], n. d. [1909.] Lowell, J. R. The Courtship of Miles Standish. Atlantic Monthly, Feb., 1859. To H. W. L. on his Birthday, 27 February, 1867. The Boston Daily Adver- tiser, 27 Feb., 1867. Macchetta, B. R. T. Home Life of Henry W. Longfellow: Reminiscences of many visits at Cambridge and Nahant during 1880, 1881, and 1882. New York, 1882. Macllwraith, J. N. A Book about Longfellow. London, 1900. Maine Historical Society. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Seventy-fifth Birthday. Portland, n. d. [1882]. Maine Historical Society. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Seventy-eighth Birth- day. Portland, n. d. [1885]. Massachusetts Historical Society. Tributes to Longfellow and Emerson. Boston, 1882. Mont^gut, E. CEuvres de H. W. Longfellow. Revues des Deux Mondes. 15 Oct., 1849. VOL. 11-28