Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/450

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434 Bibliographies More, P. E. Centenary of Longfellow: 1907. Shelbume Essays, vol. 5, pp. 132-157- Morin, P. Les Sources de I'CEuvre de Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Thfese, de Doctorat d'Universitd, Pr^sent^e h. la Faculty des Lettres de rUniversit^ de Paris. Paris, 1913. [Bibliographie, pp. i-xxxvii.] Mtinzner, P. Die quellen zu LongfeUows "Golden Legend." Dresden, 1897. Norton, C.E. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: a Sketch of his Life . . . together with Longfellow's Chief Autobiographical Poems. Boston and New York, 1907. Address: Celebration of the Longfellow Centenary. The Cambridge His- torical Society Proceedings, 27 Feb., 1907. Palmer, G. H. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Atlas Essays, 1877, pp. 78-101. Parker, C. S. Professor Longfellow. The Colonnade, [New York], May, 1916. Patsch, E. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow und seine Stellung in der nordameri- kanischen Litteratur. Potsdam, 1883. Perry, B. The Centenary of Longfellow. Park Street Papers. Boston and New York, 1908. Poe, E. A. Review of Hyperion. . . . Burton's Gentleman's Magazine, Oct., 1839. ^Jleview of Voices of the Night. . . . Burton's Gentleman's Magazine, Oct., 1840. Longfellow's Ballads. Graham's Magazine, March, April, 1842. Review of The Waif. . . . The Evening Mirror, New York, 14 Jan., 1845. A Reply to Outis. Broadway Journal, 8 March-5 April, 1845. The American Drama. American Whig Review, Aug., 1845. [Porter, T. C] Kalevala and Hiawatha. The Mercersburg Review, 1856. Quesnel, L. Les Pofetes Am^ricains: Longfellow. Bibliothfeque Universelle et Revue Suisse, Sept., 1882. Ramsler. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Tubingen, 1882. R^villon, T. Figure de la Semaine: Longfellow. La Petite Presse. Paris, 24 July, 1869. Robertson, E. S. Life of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Great Writers, London, 1887. [With bibliography by Anderson, J. P., pp. i-xii.] Rodriguez, P. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Nuova Antologia, June, 1883. Longfellow e I'Excelsior. Nuova Antologia, July, 1883. Lord Tennyson, Henry W. Longfellow, William Cowper: Studi e Saggi. Roma, 1902. Longfellow e I'ltalia. Rivista Mensile del Corriere della Sera, Aug., 1902. Romera-Novarro, M. Un Espafiolista de Norteamerica. Cuba Contempo- ranea, June, 1917. Rotondi, P. Intorno a Longfellow. Evangelina. . . . MUano, 1873, pp. 9-23. Schalk de la Faverie, A. i^crivains d'Am^rique. Paris, 1901. Les Premiers Interprfetes de la Pens^e Am^ricaine. Paris, 1909. Schladebach, H. Longfellow's New England Tragedies. Dresden, 1903. Schmidt, A. G. Longfellow's Divine Tragedy. Lucka, S. A., 1905. Schulze, B. Das Religi6se bei H. W. Longfellow und dessen Stellung zur Bibel. Halle a. S., 1913. Scudder, H. E. Longfellow's Art. Atlantic Monthly, March, 1887. Memoir of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Massachusetts Historical Society Proceedings, vol. 8, 1892-1894, pp. 152-167. Siemt, O. Der Stabreim bei Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Liegnitz, 1897.