Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/454

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438 Bibliographies Justice and Expediency; or, Slavery considered with a view to its Rightful and Effectual Remedy, Abolition. . . . Haverhill, 1833. [Privately printed.] New York, Sept., 1833, reissued as no. 4, vol. l, of The Anti-Slavery Reporter. The Song of the Vermonters, 1779. [Broadside.] n. p., n. d. [1833.] Mogg Megone, A Poem. . . . Boston, 1836. Lines Written on the Passage of Pinckney's Resolutions in the House of Repre- sentatives. [Broadside.] n. p., n. d. [1836.] Poems written during the Progress of the Abolition Question in the United States, Between the Years 1830 and 1838. . . . Boston, 1837. (Two issues of this ed., of 96 pp. and 103 pp. respectively.) Address Read at the Opening of the Pennsylvania HaU, on the 15th of Fifth Month, 1838. [Anon.] Philadelphia, 1838. Rptd. in History of Pennsyl- vania Hall, which was Destroyed by a Mob, X7th of May, 1838. Philadel- phia, 1838. H3rmn [O Holy Father! just and true]. [Broadside.] i Aug., 1838. Poems. . . . Philadelphia, 1838. Narrative of James Williams, An American Slave; who was for several years a driver on a cotton plantation in Alabama. . . . [Anon.] Published by the American Anti-Slavery Society, 1838. Two other eds., one of Boston, Abolitionist's Library, no. 3, the same year. Moll Pitcher, and The Minstrel Girl. Poems. . . . Rev. ed. Philadelphia, 1840. Pollen. [Broadside.] n. p., n. d. [Haverhill, 1842.] Lays of My Home, and Other Poems. . . . Boston, 1843. Ballads, and Other Poems. . . . London, 1844. (With a preface by Wright, Elizur.) The Stranger in Lowell. . . . [Anon.] Boston, 1845. (Another ed. the same year.) Voices of Freedom. . . . Fourth [fifth, seventh, etc.] and Complete Edition. Philadelphia, 1846, 1849. The Supematuralism of New England. By the Author of "The Stranger in Lowell." New York and London, 1847. Wiley & Putnam's Library of American Books, no. xxvii. Leaves from Margaret Smith's Journal in The Province of Massachusetts Bay. 1678-9. [Anon.] Boston, 1849. Poems. . . . Illustrated by H. Billings. Boston, 1849, 1850, 1854, 1856, 1857- A Tract for the Times! A Sabbath Scene. [Broadside.] n. p. June, 1850. Two other eds., in pamphlet form, with thirteen woodcuts, Boston, 1853, 1854. Old Portraits and Modern Sketches. . . . Boston, 1850. (Another ed. New York, n.d.) Songs of Labor, And Other Poems. . . . Boston, 1850, 1851. Another ed., with biographical sketch, critical opinions, and explanatory notes. (Maynard's English Classic sen, no. 130). [1894]. Little Eva's Song. Words by J. G. Whittier. Music by Manuel Emilio. Proad- side. Boston, 1852.] Another issue of four pages, with title. Little Eva: Uncle Tom's Guardian Angel. . . . Boston, 1852. The Farewell of a Virginian Slave Mother to her Daughter sold into Southern Bondage; Clerical Oppressors; The Christian Slave. Leeds Anti-Slavery Tracts, Nos. 10, 21, and 52. Leeds, England [1852]. The Chapel of the Hermits, and Other Poems. . . . Boston, 1853.