Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/455

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Whittier 439 Literary Recreations and Miscellanies. . . . Boston, 1854. The Panorama, and Other Poems. . . . Boston, 1856. A Fremont Campaign Song. [Broadside.] n. p., n. d. [1856.] Song [A Lay of Old Time]. [Broadside.] n. p., n. d. [Newburyport, 1856.] The Sycamores. . . . Nantucket, 1857. [Privately printed pamphlet, 8 pp.] Home Ballads and Poems. . . . Boston, i860, 1861. A Voice from John G. Whittier [The Quakers are Out]. [Broadside.] n. p., n. d. [Boston, i860.] Naples — 1860. Inscribed to Robert C. Waterston, of Boston. Boston, i860. 4 pp. Song of the Negro Boatmen. Written by Whittier. Composed by Robbins Battell. 1862. 3 leaves. Another issue, broadside, "published by the Supervisory Committee for Recruiting Colored Regiments." n. p. [1863.] This song was frequently rptd. and set to music, sometimes as The Contra- band of Port Royal. In War Time. [Anniversary Poem.] n. p., n. d. [Amesbury, 1863]. 4 pp. In War Time and Other Poems. . . . Boston, 1864. National Lyrics. . . . With Illustrations by George G. White, H. Penn, and Charles A. Barry. Boston, 1865, 1866, 1867. Snow-Bound. A Winter Idyl. . . . Boston, 1866; London, 1867; Boston, 1868 (with ill.), 1872, 1875 (ill.), 1883 (with exp. notes, Riv. Lit. Ser. no. 4); London, 1891 (with designs by Garrett, E. H.); Boston, 1892, 1896 (Riv. Sch. Lib.), 1904, 1906 (with ill. by Pyle, H., and others), 191 1. [Many times rptd. and illustrated, and translated into several languages.] The Tent on the Beach and Other Poems. . . . Boston, 1867. (Four different issues the same year.) The Tent on the Beach [first separate ed.]. Illus- trated. Boston, 1877, 1889 (with intro. and notes, Riv. Lit. Ser. no. 41), 1890 (LiUiput Classics.), 1896 (Riv. Sch. Lib.). Maud MuUer. . . . With Illustrations by W. J. Hennessy. Boston, 1867, 1873; London, with ill. by Carline, G. [1886], [1891]. Also a broadside issue, n. p., n. d. [1865?]. Among the HiUs, and Other Poems. . . . Boston, 1869, 1876. Two Letters on the Present Aspect of the Society of Friends. . . . Reprinted from the Philadelphia "Friends' Review." London, 1870. Miriam and Other Poems. . . . Boston, 1871. The Motherless [later entitled. The Sisters: a Picture by Barry.] [Broadside.] n. p., n. d. [Boston, 1871]. The Pennsylvania Pilgrim, and Other Poems. . . . Boston, 187a, 1873. To Edward and Elizabeth Gove, on the Fifty-fifth Anniversary of their Marriage, 29th of 8th mo., 1872. n. p., n. d. [Lynn, Massachusetts, 1872]. 4 pp. Charles Sumner [17 verses], n. p., n. d. [Boston, 1874]. 4 pp. Another issue [final form, 53 verses], n. p., n. d. [Boston, 1874]. 8 pp. "The Prayer of Agassiz," a Poem by John G. Whittier, and "Agassiz," a Sonnet by T. W. Parsons. Cambridge [Mass.], 1874. Published for the Agassiz Memorial Teachers' and Pupils' Fund. Hazel-Blossoms. . . . Boston, 1875. [Contains 9 poems by Elizabeth H. Whit- tier, pp. 103-133.] Mable Martin, A Harvest Idyl. . . . With [58] Illustrations. Boston, 1876; another ed., the same year, with 21 illustrations. Whittier's Centennial Hymn. [Broadside.] n. p., n. d. [Philadelphia, 1876]. Another broadside ed., with music by Paine, J. K., Philaddphia [1876]; another ed., 6 pages, Philadelphia [1876],