Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/464

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448 Bibliographies Ellis's rejoinder). Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society, i8, 357-62, 387-94. 394-99. Boston, Mar., 1881. Fields, A. A. [Mrs. J. T.] Whittier. Notes of His Life and of His Friendships. Harper's New Monthly Magazine, 86, 338-59, Feb., 1893; separately printed in Harper's Black and White Series [1893]; rptd. in Authors and Friends, Boston, 1896, pp. 263-335. The Inner Life of John Greenleaf Whittier. Chautauquan, 21 (n. s.) 194-8, Nov., 1899. Flower, B. O. Whittier: Prophet, Seer and Man. Boston, 1896. Rptd. from Arena, 15, 965-80; 16, 106-23, 406-17, 543-52, May-Sept., 1896. Forten, C. L. A Visit to the Birthplace of Whittier. Scribner's Monthly, 4, 581-3, Sept., 1872. . Garrison, W. P. and F. J. William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879. The Story of His Life Told by His Children. 4 vols., 1885-1889. (For Whittier, see index.) Gosse, E. A Visit to Whittier. Good Words, 40, 16-20, Jan., 1899; same. Bookman, 8, 459-62, Jan., 1899; rptd. in Portraits and Sketches, London, 1912, pp. 135-47- Gribble, F. John Greenleaf Whittier. Fortnightly Review, 89, 137-47, Jan., 1908; same. Living Age, 256, 287-95, Feb., 1908. Grimke, C. F. Personal Recollections of Whittier. New England Magazine, 8 (n. s.), 468-76, June, 1893. Griswold, H. T. Home Life of Great Authors. Chicago, 1887, (For Whittier, pp. 238-50.) Hadden, T. C. The Quaker Poet. Gentleman's Magazine, 49 (n. s.), 408-17, Oct., 1892; same, Living Age, 195, 469-74, 19 Nov., 1892. Hansen-Taylor, M., and Scudder, H. E. [eds.]. Life and Letters of Bayard Taylor. 2 vols. Boston, 1884. (For Whittier, see index.) Hawkins, C. J. The Mind of Whittier; a Study of Whittier's Fundamental Religious Ideas. [1904.] [Hawthorne, N.] Supematuralism in New England. [Review.] Literary World, • 1, 247-8, New York, 17 Apr., 1847. Hazdtine, M. W. Chats about Books, Poets, and Novelists. 1883. (For Whittier, pp. 212-26.) Higginson, T. W. Whittier. Nation, 55, 199-200, 15 Sept., 1892. Cheerful Yesterdays. Boston, 1898. (For Whittier, see index.) Contemporaries. Boston, 1899. (For Whittier, pp. 60-71.) John Greenleaf Whittier. (English Men of Letters.) 1902. The Place of Whittier Among Poets. Reader, 5, 368-72, Feb., 1905. Garrison and Whittier. Independent, 59, 1310-16, 7 Dec., 1905. John Greenleaf Whittier. Ibid., 63, 1492-7, 19 Dec, 1907. Whittier as a Combatant in the Days of the Abolitionists. Book News Monthly, 26, 259-62, Dec, 1907. [Holmes, O. W.] Dr. Holmes on Whittier [a letter]. Critic, 21, 221-2, 22 Oct., 1892. Howe, A. DeW. Whittier and Lowell. Bookman, 7, 28-38, Mar., 1898; rptd. in American Bookmen, 1898, pp. 242-65. Hoyt, M. W. Rambles in Whittier-Land. Granite State Magazine, 6, 217-24, 257-64, Aug.-Sept., 191 1 ; 7, 17-24, 69-78, Oct.-Dec, 191 1. Hussey, C. C. Some Personal Reminiscences of Whittier, with Observations on his Religious Views. Arena, 15, 376-84, Feb., 1896. Kennedy, W. S. John Greenleaf Whittier: His Life, Genius, and Writings. Boston, 1882. Revised and enlarged ed., New York, 1892.