Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/465

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Whittier 449 Kennedy, W. S. John G. Whittier, The Poet of Freedom. (American Re- former Series.) 1892. (Bibliography, pp. 317-24.) In Whittier's Land. New England Magazine, 7 (n. s.), 275-93, Nov., 1892. Kingsley, M. E. A Quaker Poet in Puritan New England. Poet-Lore, 21, 330- 6, Oct., 1910. L., 0. M. A. Whittier's "Countess." New England Magazine, 7 (n,s.), 809-11, Feb., 1893. Lawton,W.C. The New England Poets. . . . 1898. (PorWhittier, pp. 155-94.) Lee, E. D. John Greenleaf Whittier. Westminster Review, 169, 78-92, Jan., 1908. Lewis, G. K. John Greenleaf Whittier: his Life and Work. London, 1913. Linton, W. J. Life of John Greenleaf Whittier. (Great Writers series.) London, 1893. (Bibliography, by Anderson, J. P., appendix, pp. i-viii.) Livingston, L. S. The First Books of Some American Authors. Bookman, 8, 38-43, Sept., 1898. (For Whittier, pp. 41-3.) Lowell, J. R. A Fable for Critics. 1848. ILoweE, J. R.] In War Time and Other Poems. [Review.] North American Review, 98, 290-2, Jan., 1864. _ Snow Bound. A Winter Idyl. [Review.] lUd., 102, 631-2, Apr., 1866. Marble, A. R. Some Friendships of Whittier. With Letters Hitherto Unpub- lished. Dial, 43, 409-10, 16 Dec, 1907. Elizabeth Whittier and the Amesbury Home. Outlook, 87, 29-35, 7 Sept., 1907. Marsh, D. Voices of Freedom. [Review.] New Englander, 6, 58-66, Jan., 1848. May, S. J. Some Recollections of Our Antislavery Conflict. Boston, 1869. (For Whittier, pp. 259-66.) Memorial to John Greenleaf Whittier, by the Citizens of Amesbury, Dec. 17, 1892. Amesbury, 1893. [Includes Whittier's Autobiography, Address by Stedman, E. C, and memorial tributes.] A Memorial of John Greenleaf Whittier from His Native City. Haverhill, Massachusetts. [Camb., Mass.], 1893. [Includes biographical sketch by Bartlett, A. L., and eulogy by Mead, E. D.] Mitchell, D. G. American Lands and Letters. 2 vols., 1897-99. (For Whittier, vol. 2, pp. 305-22.) Mitford, M. R. Recollections of a Literary Life. . . . 1852. (For Whittier, PP- 334-40.) More, P. E. Whittier the Poet. Shelbume Essays, 3d ser., 28-53, 1907. Negroponte, M. John Greenleaf Whittier. Westminster Review, 139, 7-1 1, Jan., 1893; same. Eclectic Magazine, 120, 377-80, Mar., 1893. Perry, B. Whittier for To-day. Atlantic Monthly, 100, 851-9, Dec, 1907; rptd. in Park-Street Papers, Boston, 1908, pp. 173-201. John Greenleaf Whittier A Sketch of His Life . . . with Selected Poems (Riv. Lit. Ser., No. 175), Boston, 1907. Phelps, E. S. Whittier. Century Magazine, 23 (n. s.), 363-8, Jan., 1893. Chapters from a Life. Boston, 1896. (For Whittier, pp. 157-66.) Longfellow, Whittier, and Holmes. Passages from their Talk and Corre- spondence . . . Whittier's Sense of Humour. McClure's Magazine, 7, 114- 21, July, 1896. Phelps, W. L. A Noteworthy Letter of Whittier's. Century Magazine, 42 (n. s.), 15-17, Jaa., 1902. Whittier. North American Review, 186, 602-6, Dec, 1907; rptd. in Essays on Books, 1914, pp. 202-10. VOL. Ji — 29