Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/468

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452 Bibliographies CHAPTER XIV POE The fullest bibliography of Poe's writings is that by Harrison, J. A., Poe's Works, vol. XVI, pp. 355-379. I. Collected Works The Works of the Late Edgar Allan Poe. With a Memoir by Rufus Wilmot Griswold and Notices of his Life and Genius by N. P. Willis and J. R. Lowell. 4 vols. 1850-56. Rptd. 1858, 1861, etc. The Works of Edgar Allan Poe. 4 vols. Ed. Ingram, J. H. Edinburgh, 1874- 75, 1880, etc. The Tales and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. 4 vols. Ed. Ingram, J. H. London, 1884. The Works of Edgar Allan Poe. 6 vols. Ed. Stoddard, R. H. [18841,1894. The Works of Edgar Allan Poe. Newly Collected and Edited, with a Memoir, Critical Introductions, and Notes. 10 vols. Ed. Stedman, E. C, and Woodberry, G. E. Chicago, 1894-95; New York, 1914. Vol. x (Poems) separately, 1907, 1914. The Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe. (Virginia Edition.) 17 vols. Ed. Harrison, J. A. [1902]. Vol. i (Biography) and Vol. vii (Poems) separ- ately, 1902. Vols. I and xvii (Letters) slightly revised, as Life and Letters of Poe, 1903. The Complete Works of Edgar AUan Poe. 10 vols. Ed. Richardson, C. F. New York and London, [1902]. Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. (Muses' Library.) Ed. Ingram, J. H. London, [1909I. The Complete Poems of Edgar AUan Poe. Ed. Whitty, J. H. Boston, 191 1; also, revised and enlarged, Boston, 1917. The Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. Ed. Campbell, K. Boston, [1917]. II. Separate Works Tamerlane and Other Poems. By a Bostonian. Boston, 1827. Rptd. (with preface by Shepherd, R. H.), London, 1884; and at Greenwich, Connecticut, 1905- Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane, and Minor Poems. By Edgar A. Poe. Baltimore, 1829. Poems. By Edgar A. Poe. . . . Second Edition. New York, 1831. The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym, of Nantucket. Comprising the Details of a Mutiny and Atrocious Butchery on Board the American Brig Grampus, on her Way to the South Seas. . . . 1838; also (with slight revision), London, 1838, 1841, 1859, 1861. Also under the title Extraordinary Adventures of Arthur Gordon Pym, Mariner of Nantucket. . . . London, 1844. The Conchologist's First Book: or, A System of Testaceous Malacology. . . . By Edgar A. Poe. Philadelphia, 1839. Later editions, 1840, 1845. Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque. By Edgar A. Poe. 2 vols. Philadelphia, 1840. The Prose Romances of Edgar A. Poe. . . . No. i. (The Murders in the Rue Morgue, and The Man That Was Used Up.) Philadelphia, 1843. Tales. By Edgar A. Poe. 1845. London, 1845.