Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/469

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Poe 453 The Raven and Other Poems. By Edgar A. Poe. 1845. London, 1846. [This and the preceding item were also published together in one volume, 1845-] Eureka: A Prose Poem. By Edgar A. Poe. 1848. London, 1848. III. Periodicals to which Poe Contributed [Arranged in the order of Poe's first contribution to them.] The Yankee and Boston Literary Gazette. Portland and Boston. The Saturday Evening Post. Philadelphia. The Philadelphia Casket. The Saturday Courier. Philadelphia. The Baltimore Saturday Visiter. [B. S. V.] Godey's Lady's Book [G. L. B.]. Philadelphia. The Southern Literary Messenger [S. L. M.]. Richmond, Virginia. Editor (or Assistant Editor) Aug., 1835-Jan., 1837, and possibly in fall of 1837. The Baltimore Repubhcan. The Gift (an annual). Philadelphia. The American Monthly Magazine. Philadelphia. The New York Review. The Baltimore Book (an annual). The American Museum. Baltimore. The Philadelphia Saturday Chronicle and Mirror of the Times. Burton's Gentleman's Magazine [B. G. M.]. Philadelphia. Associate Editor, July, 1839-June, 1840. The Pittsburg Literary Examiner. Alexander's Weekly Messenger, Philadelphia. Graham's Magazine [G. M.]. Philadelphia. Editor April, 1841-May, 1842. Snowden's Ladies' Companion. Philadelphia. The Boston Miscellany. The Pioneer. Boston. The Philadelphia Saturday Museimi [S. M.]. The Dollar Newspaper. Philadelphia. The Opal (an annual). Philadelphia. The New York Sun. The Columbia Spy. Columbia, Pennsylvania. The Columbian Magazine. New York. The New York Evening Mirror [E. M.]. Assistant Editor Sept., 1844-Feb., 1845. Most of the matter appearing in this journal was reprinted in the Weekly Mirror. The Democratic Review. New York. The Broadway Journal [B. J.]. New York. Successively Associate Editor, Editor, and Editor and Proprietor, Feb., 1845-Jan., 1846. The American Whig Review [A. W. R.]. New York. The New York Tribune. The Critic. London. The Literary Emporium. New York. The Missionary Memorial (an annual). New York. The Mayflower (an annual). Boston. Arthur's Ladies' Magazine. Philadelphia. The Philadelphia Spirit of Our Times.