Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/484

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468 Bibliographies Wendell, B. Stelligeri and Other Essays Concerning America. Pp. 138-140. 1893. The Nationalism of Poe, an address delivered at the University of Virginia, January 19, 1909. The Book of the Poe Centenary, Ed. Kent and Patton, pp. 1 1 7-1 58. Rptd. in The Mystery of Education, and Other Academic Performances. 1909. Whibley, C. Edgar Allan Poe. The New Review, June, 1906. Whitman, Mrs. S. H. Edgar Poe and his Critics, i860; 2d ed.. Providence, 1883. Whitman, W. Poe's Significance. Specimen Days, i Jan., 1 880. Complete Prose Works, pp. 156-8. Philadelphia, 1897. Whitty, J. H. Discoveries in the Uncollected Poems of Edgar Allan Poe. Nation, 27 Jan., 1916. Edgar Allan Poe in England and Scotland. Bookman, Sept., 1916. "Willis, N. P. Death of Edgar A. Poe. The Home Journal, 20 Oct., 1849. Rptd. in the Griswold, Stoddard, Stedman-Woodberry, and Harrison editions of Poe, and in Willis's Hurry-graphs (London, 1851). Wilmer, L. A. Our Press Gang; or, A Complete Exposition of the Corruptions and the Crimes of the American Newspapers. Philadelphia, 1859. Recollections of E. A. Poe. Baltimore Daily Commercial, 23 May, 1866. Wilson, J. G. Bryant and his Friends. Pp. 334-346. 1886. Woodberry, G. E. Poe's Legendary Years. Atlantic Monthly, Dec, 1884. Edgar Allan Poe. (American Men of Letters Series.) Boston, 1885, etc. The Life of Edgar AUan Poe, Personal and Literary, with his Chief Cor- respondence with Men of Letters. 2 vols. Boston, 1909. Selections from the Correspondence of Poe. Century Magazine, Aug., Sept., Oct., 1894. The Poe-Chivers Papers. Century Magazine, Jan., Feb., 1903. Woodbridge, B. M. The Supernatural in Hawthorne and Poe. Colorado College Publications. Nov., 191 1. Wyzewa, T. de. La Correspondance d'Edgar Poe. Revue des Deux Mondes, 15 Oct., 1894. Rptd. in Ecrivains strangers. Paris, 1896. Yarmolinsky, A. The Russian View of American Literature. Bookman, Sept., 1916. CHAPTER XV PUBLICISTS AND ORATORS, 1800-1850 This Bibliography is frankly selective John Quincy Adams I. Writings Writings. Ed. Ford, W. C. 1913— (vol. vii, 1917). An Answer to Pain's [sic] Rights of man. . . . Londpn, 1793. [Originally attributed to John Adams.] Observations on Paine's Rights of man, in a Series of Letters, by Publicola. . . Edinburgh. [1792.] Correspondence between John Quincy Adams President of the United States, and Several Citizens of Massachusetts concerning the Charge of a Design to Dis- solve the Union Alleged to have existed in that State. . . . Washington, 1829. A Discourse on Education. . . . Boston, 1840.