Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/485

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Publicists and Orators 469 An Eulogy on the Life and Character of James Madison. . . . Boston, 1836. An Eulogy on the Life and Character of James Monroe. . . . Boston, 1831. An Inaugural Oration, DeUvered at the Author's Installation, as Boylston Pro- fessor of Rhetorick and Oratory, at Harvard University. ... 12 June, 1806. Boston, 1806. The Jubilee of the Constitution. A Discourse Delivered at the Request of the New York Historical Society . . the 30th of April, 1839. . . . 1839. A Letter from the Hon. John Quincy Adams ... to the Hon. Harrison (iay Otis. . Boston, Sag-Harbor, London, Newburyport, Northampton, Philadelphia, Salem, 1808, etc., Baltimore, 1824. Letters on Silesia, Written during a Tour through that Country in the Years 1800, 1801. . . . London, 1804. French, Paris, 1807. Letters of John Quincy Adams to his Son, on the Bible and its Teachings. Auburn, 1850. Letters on the Masonic Institution. Boston, 1847. Life in a New England Town: 1787, 1788. Diary of John Quincy Adams, while a Student in the Ofifice of Theophilus Parsons at Newburyport. Boston, 1903. The Lives of James Madison and James Monroe. . . Boston, Buffalo, 1850; Philadelphia, 1854. [Largely a reprint of Eulogies on Madison and Monroe listed above.] Memoirs of John Quincy Adams, Comprising Portions of his Diary from 1795 to 1848. Ed. Adams, C. F. 12 vols. Philadelphia, 1874-1877. American Principles. A Review of Works of Fisher Ames, Compiled by a Num- ber of his Friends. Boston, 1809. Oration on the Life and Character of Gilbert Motier de Lafayette, Delivered . . . in the House of Representatives ... on the 31 of December, 1834. Washington, Cincinnati, New York, 1835. The Social Compact, Exemplified in the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. . . . Providence, 1842. 2. 'Biography and, Criticism Everett, E. A Eulogy on the Life and Character of John Quincy Adams. . . . Boston, 1848. Ford, W. C. John Quincy Adams and the Monroe Doctrine. American His- torical Review, July, 1902, Oct., 1902. Also in Massachusetts Historical Society Proceedings, Jan., 1902. Morse, J. T., Jr. John Quincy Adams. (American Statesmen Series.) Boston, 1882, 1899. Quincy, J. Memoir of the Life of John Quincy Adams. Boston, 1858, etc. Seward, W. H. Life and Public Services of John Quincy Adams. Auburn, 1849, etc.; Philadelphia, 1886. Thomas Hart Benton I. Writings Thirty Years' View, or A History of the Working of the American Government, I ... 1820 to 1850, Chiefly taken from the Congress Debates, the Private . Papers of General Jackson, and the Speeches of ex-Senator Benton. . . . 2 vols.. New York and London, 1854-6. Abridgment of the Debates of Congress from 1789 to 1856. ... 16 vols. 1857-1861.