Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/489

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Publicists and Orators 473 Introduction to the . . . Laws, Treaties, &c. Relating to the Public Lands. [Washington] 1810. The Oregon Question. . . . 1846. Notes on the Semi-civilized Nations of Mexico, Yucatan, and Central America. In the Transactions of the American Ethnological Society. Vol. i, 1845. 2. Biography Adams, H. Life of Albert Gallatin. Philadelphia, 1879. Stevens, J. A. Albert Gallatin. (American Statesmen Series.) Boston, 1883, -899. Robert Yoxing Haynb Speech . . . on Mr. Foot's Resolution. . . . January 21, 1830. Washington, 1830. Defence of the South. GeneralHayne, in reply to Mr. Webster. . . Charles- ton, 1830. See also The Great Debate between Hayne and Webster: ed. Swift, L., Boston, etc. [1898], and Hayne's speech to which Webster replied, ed. Garnett, J. M., 1893. Letter . . . to a Committee of the State Rights and Free Trade Party. . . . Charleston, 1832. An Oration, Delivered in the Independent or Congregational Church, Charleston. . . . Charleston, 1831. Speech . . . Delivered in the Senate . . . March, 1826. [Washington, 1826.] Speech . . . against the Tariff Bill. . . . April, 1824. Charleston, 1824. Speech . . . on the Reduction of the Tariff . January 9, 1832. . . . Wash- ington. [1832.] Jervey, T, D. Robert Y. Hayne and his Times. 1909. James Kent /. Writings Charter of the City of New- York, with Notes, also a Treatise on the Powers and Duties of the Mayor, Aldermen, and Assistant Aldermen, and the Journal of the City Convention. 1836, 1851, 1854. Commentaries on American Law. 4 vols. , 1 826-30 ; 9th ed. , 4 vols. , Boston, 1 858 ; nth ed. (ed. Comstock, G. F.), 4 vols., Boston, 1866; 12th ed. (ed. Holmes, O. W., Jr.), 4vols., Boston, 1873; 13th ed. (ed. Barnes, C. M.), 4 vols., Boston, 1884; 14th ed. (ed. Gould, J. M.), 4 vols., Boston, 1896. Commentary on International Law, Revised, with Notes and Cases Brought down to Present Time. Ed. Abdy, J. T. Cambridge, Eng., 1866; 2d ed., Cam- bridge, Eng., 1878. Lecture Introductory to a Cotu-se of Law Lectures in Columbia College, Feb. 2, 1824. 1824. Opinion upon Vested Rights, to the Common School Fund, Claimed by the Bethel Baptist Church. [Appended to Reply to a Remonstrance and Answer of the Bethel Free School, 1824.] Summary of the Course of Law Lectures in Columbia College, commenced Nov. 8, 1824. 1824. Summary of the First Ten Lectures of the Professor of Law in Columbia College, 1824.