Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/490

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474 Bibliographies Most Material Parts of Kent's Commentaries, Reduced to Questions and Answers; by John C. Devereux. Upon the plan and in the place of Kinne's Kent. New ed. by a Member of the New York Bar. 1881. Address before the Law Association of the City of New York, Oct. 21st, 1836. 1836. Brooklyn, 1889. An Anniversary Discourse, Delivered before the New York Historical Society . . . December 6th, 1828. 1829. [Also in New York Historical Society Collections, 2d Series, vol. i, pp. 9-36. 1841.] A Course of Reading, Drawn up . . . for the Use of the Members of the Mer- cantile Library Association. 1840. 2. Biography and Criticism Duer, John. Discourse on the Life, Character, and Public Services of James Kent . . . before the Judiciary and Bar of the City and State of New- York, April 12, 1848. 1848. Kent, J. James Kent. In Memorial Biographies of the New England Historic- Genealogical Society, Vol. i. Boston, 1880. Kent, William. Memoirs and Letters of James Kent. . . . Boston, 1898. John Marshall I. Collected Constitutional Decisions Writings .... Boston, 1839. Complete Constitutional Decisions . . . with Annotations, Historical, Critical and Legal. Ed. Dillon, J. M. Chicago, 1903. Constitutional Decisions. Ed. Cotton, J. P. 2 vols. 1905. Original opinions as Chief Justice in the Reports edited by Cranch, 1810-1815; Wheaton, 1816-1827; Peterp, 1828-1835. Political and Economic Doctrines of John Marshall .... And also his Letters, Speeches, and hitherto Unpublished and Uncollected Writings. Ed. Oster, J. E., 1914. 2. Separate Works Speechof the Hon. John Marshall Delivered in the House of Representatives. . . Philadelphia, 1800. Opinions of the late Chief Justice of the United States Concerning Freemasonry [Boston? 1840.] See, also, Bibliography for Book II, Chap. XVII. J. Biography and Criticism Beveridge, A. J. The Life of John Marshall. Vols. i-n. BostonandN. Y., 1916. Dillon, J. P. [Ed.] Life, Character and Judicial Services, as Portrayed in the Cen- tenary and Memorial Addresses. . . . 1901 and in the classical orations of Binney, Story, Phelps, Waite and Rawle. 3 vols. Chicago, 1903. Dodd, W. E. Chief Justice Marshall and Virginia. American Historical Re- view. July, 1907. Flanders, H. Life. Philadelphia, 1905. Originally issued in the author's Lives ... of the Chief Justices. Lives and Times of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court. . , . 2 vols, Philadelphia, 1855-8, 1875.