Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/503

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Webster 487 Everett, Edward. Eulogy Delivered at the Dedication of the Statue of Daniel Webster, in Boston, Sept. 17, 1859. Boston, 1859. [Daniel Webster.] North American Review, 31, 462. Speeches of Daniel Webster. Ibid., 141, 231. Everett, William. Character of Webster. Cambridge, England, 1863. Fisher, G. P. Webster and CaUioun in the Debate of 1850. Scribner's Mag., May, 1905. Fiske, John. Daniel Webster and the Sentiment of Union. [In] Essays Historical and Literary. Boston, 1902. Pp. 363-409. Goodell, Abner C. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proc. II, 15, 160-8. Gould, Elizabeth Porter. John Adams and Daniel Webster as Schoolmasters. [Introd. by Adams, Charles Francis.] Boston, 1903. Greene, G. W. Homes of American Statesmen. ... By Various Writers. 1853. Hadley, S. P. Some Reminiscences of Daniel Webster. Lowell Hist. Soc. Contrib. I, no. i, 140-154. Hale, E. E. [Character Sketch.] Outlook, 7 June, 1902. Hayward, W. M. [Eulogy in] The Life, Eulogy and Great Orations of Daniel Webster. Rochester, 1853. Hildreth, Richard. Despotism in America. Boston, 1840, 1854. Hilliard, H. W. Daniel Webster and the Constitution. Harper's Mag., 54, 595. [Later in pamphlet form.] Hopkins, E. M. [ed.] Proceedings of the Webster Centennial . . . Hanover, N. H., 1902. Hoar, G. F. American Law Rev., 35, 801. Also in Scribner's Mag., 26:74, 213. Hosmer, J. K. The Last Leaf. New York and London, 1912. Hudson, H. N. Webster Centennial. Boston, 1882. Hull, F. P. School Days of Webster. Arena, 17, 217. Jackson, M. M. Daniel Webster. Madison, Wis., 1885. Johnson, C. T. Daniel Webster and Old Oregon. Wash. Hist. Quar. II, 6-1 1. Lord Ashburton and Old Oregon. Ibid. I., 209-16. Johnson, S. Anecdotes of Webster. Harper's Weekly, 1 1 March, 1905. King, Horatio. Turning on the Light. Philadelphia, 1895. An Hour with Webster. Mag. Am. Hist., 27, 455. Lamb, M. J. Daniel Webster, Unsuccessful Candidate for the Presidency. Mag. Am. Hist., 12, 481. Latrobe, J. H. B. Personal Recollections of Daniel Webster. Harper's Mag., 64, 428. Lewis, W. D. Great American Lawyers. Vol. iii. Philadelphia, 1907. McCall, S. W. Daniel Webster. Washington, 1913. Daniel Webster. Atlantic Monthly, 88, 600. McCulIoch, H. Legal Abilities of Webster. Mag. Am. Hist., 26, 266. Magoon, E. L. Living Authors of America. 1849. Moercker, F. A. Daniel Webster der amerikanischer Staatsmann. Berlin, 1853. Neal, John. Blackwood's Mag., 17, 203. Nesmith, J. W. Reminiscences of Webster. Bay State Monthly, 2, 252. Obituary Addresses on . . the Death of . . Daniel Webster ... in the Senate and . . House of Representatives . . 14th and 15th Dec, 1852. Washington, 1853. Ogden, R. Daniel Webster and the War Spirit. Nation, 60, 141. Paige, Mrs. J. W. Daniel Webster in Europe. Granite Monthly, 3, 253. Parker, Joel. Daniel Webster as a Jurist. Cambridge, 1853.