Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/504

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488 Bibliographies Parker, Theodore. Discourse Occasioned by the Death of Daniel Webster. Boston, 1853. Parton, James. Famous Americans of Recent Times. Boston, 1867. Pp. 53-1 12. Daniel Webster. North Am. Rev., 104, 65. Phillips, Wendell. Review of Webster's Speeches on Slavery. Boston, 1850. Pillsbury, Albert E. Daniel Webster the Orator. Boston, 1903. Pivany, Eugene. Webster and Kossuth; a Discourse on the Relations of Daniel Webster and Louis Kossuth. Philadelphia, 1909. Proceedings at the Inauguration of the Statue of . . . Webster, Erected in the Central Park, N. Y., July 4, 1876. 1876. 'ulsifer, W. E. Daniel Webster, the Great Constitutional Defender. Empire State Society Year Book, 1910-1911. 191 1, Schurz, Carl. Daniel Webster. Harper's Mag., 95, 952. May, 1897. Smalley, G. W. Anglo-American Memories. New York and London, 191 1. Smith, Goldwin. Daniel Webster. Nineteenth Century, 24, 262. Aug., 1888. Story, Judge Jos. Daniel Webster. New Eng. Mag., 7, 89. Wakeman, T. B. Daniel Webster and Monistic Religion. Open Court, 3, 2093. Ward, J. H. Daniel Webster. International Rev., 12, 124. Webster, Noah. Letter to Daniel Webster, Sept. 6, 1834. Am. Hist. Rev., 9, 96-104. Wentworth, John. Congressional Reminiscences. Chicago, 1882. [Fergus Historical Series.] Wheeler, E. P. The Constitutional Law of the United States as Moulded by Daniel Webster. 1904. Whipple, E. P. Daniel Webster as a Master of English style. [In] American Literature and Other Papers. Boston, 1899. Webster as an Author. [In] Essays and Reviews. Boston, 1852. Wilkinson, W. C. Daniel Webster, a Vindication; with other Historical Essays. New York and London, 191 1. Daniel Webster and the Compromise of 1850. Scribner's Mag., 12, 41 1. Daniel Webster. Century Mag., i, 538. Webster; an Ode. 1882. Wood, W. A. Daniel Webster's Visit to Missouri. Mag. Am. Hist., 19, 513. Mark Van Doren. CHAPTER XVII WRITERS ON AMERICAN HISTORY, 1 783-1 850 Many of the writers mentioned here are treated in Bassett, John S., The Mid- dle Group of American Historians, 1917. I. Writers whose Chief Interest was the Revolution Drayton, John. Letters written during a Tour through the Northern and Eastern States of America. Charleston, 1794. A View of South Carolina as respects her Natural and Civil Concerns. Charleston, 1802. German, in Bibliothek der neuen Reisenbeschreibungen, Weimar, 1808. Memoirs of the American Revolution from its Commencement to 1776 relating to South Carolina. 2 vols. Charleston, 182 1. [Based on memoirs and papers of the writer's father. Chief Justice William H. Drajrton.] Drayton, William H. A Charge on the Rise of the American Empire. Charles- town fsic], 1776. [Delivered to the grand jury in Charleston.]