Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/506

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490 Bibliographies Ramsay, David, M.D. Sketch of the Soil, Climate, Weather, and Diseases of South Carolina. Charleston, 1796. Review of Imjirovements, Progress, and State of Medicine in the 1 8th Cen- tury. Charleston, 1801. An Oration on the Cession of Louisiana, May 12, 1804. Charleston, 1804. Life of George Washington. 1807; London, 1807; Boston, 181 1; Baltimore, 1814, 1815, 1818, 1825, 1832; Ithaca, 1840. French, by Lefort, Paris. 1809; Spanish, by Rapollo, 2 vols., 1825; Philadelphia, 1826; Barcelona, 1842; History of South Carolina from 1670 to 1808. 2 vols. Charleston, 1809; in I vol., Newberry, S. C, 1858. Chronological Tables of the Principal Events of the English Colonies, 1607 to 1808. Charleston, 1811. Memoirs of the Life of Martha Laurens Ramsay. Charleston, 18 12; Boston, 1812; London, 1815; Glasgow, 1818. An Eulogium upon Benjamin Rush, M.D. Philadelphia, 1813. History of the United States from 1607 to 1808. 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1816, rev. ed. with continuation to 1 8 1 4 by Smith, S. S. , and others . 3 vols. Phila- delphia, 1818. History of the Independent Congregational Church in Charleston, S. C. Philadelphia, 1815. Universal History Americanized. 12 vols. Philadelphia, 18 19 [posthu- mously published.] See under Gordon, William, above. Tudor, William. Letter on the Propriety of an Appropriate National Name. Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, vol. 7, 1800. Considerations on the Expediency of a Bridge from one Part of Boston to another. Boston, 1806. [Anon.] An Oration July 4, 1 809, at the Request of the Selectmen of Boston. Boston, 1809. Discourse before the Humane Society at their Anniversary, May, 1817. Boston, 1 8 17. Letters on the Eastern States. 1820; Boston, 1821. [Anon.] Miscellanies. Boston, 182 1. Life of James Otis, of Massachusetts. Boston, 1823. Gebel Teir. Boston, 1829. [Anon.] [A political allegory.] Correspondence while charge d'afiaires to Brazil. Washington, 1837. (28th cong., 1st ses.. House Docs., no. 32). [ed.] Deacon John Tudor's Diary, 1732 to 1793. Boston, 1896. Character of Samuel Adams. Boston Book Col., 1841. Quincy, J. A. History of the Boston Athenaeum. Boston, 1851. [Contains a notice of Tudor.] Loring, J. A Hundred Boston Orators. N. p., 1852. Memorial of William Tudor. Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, vol. 18, 18 19. Warren, Mrs. Mercy Otis. History of the Rise, Progress, and Termination of the American Revolution . . . with Biographical, Political, and Moral Ob- servations. 3 vols. Boston, 1805. Correspondence with John Adams [relating to her History], July-August, 1807. Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, 5th ser., vol. 4. Boston, 1878. See, also, Bibliography for Book II, Chap. 11. Brown, Alice. Mercy Warren. 1896. (Women of Colonial and Revolution- ary Times.)