Page:The Cambridge History of American Literature, v2.djvu/507

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Writers on American History 49 1 Weems, Mason Locke, Onania. 1792. The Philanthropist. Dumfries [[Va.] [1799]. 9th ed. Philadelphia, 1809. The True Patriot. An Oration on the . . Beauties of a Republic. Phil- adelphia [1802]. Hymen's Recruiting Sergeant, or the New Matrimonial Tat-too for old Bachelors. Philadelphia, 1802; Middletown, 1815; Hartford, 1845; 1851. Other editions. [One of Weem's most popular tracts.] Life of Washington. Georgetown, 1800. [The number of later editions has been estimated at from 40 to 70.] 5th ed., Augusta, enlarged, 1806 [introduced the hachet story]. German, Baltimore, 1817. and Horry, P. Life of General Francis Marion. 2d ed. Baltimore, 18 14, 3d ed., improved, Baltimore, 1815. Philadelphia, 1816; 1825, 1841, 1855, and many others. [Based upon the papers of General Peter Horry, who resented the use Weems made of the papers.] Life of Benjamin Franklin. Philadelphia, 1817; 5th ed., Baltimore, 1821; Philadelphia, 1822 (6th ed.), 1829, 1835. Life of William Penn. Philadelphia, 1829, 1845. God's Revenge against Gambling. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1812. God's Revenge against Adultery. N. p., n. d. God's Revenge against Murder. 2d ed. Augusta [Ga]. 1807; nth ed. enlarged, 1823. God's Revenge against Duelling. 2d ed. Philadelphia, 1 821. — - The Drunkard's Looking-Glass. 2d ed., n. p., 1813. Baltimore, 1816. The Bad Wife's Looking-Glass. N. p., n. d. [Ed.] Comaro, Luigi, Means of Obtaining a Long and Healthy Life. With notes by Mason L. Weems. [With] The Way of Wealth, by Doctor Franklin. Philadelphia, 1809. [Compiler]. The Immortal Mentor, or Man's unerring Guide to a Healthy, Wealthy, and Happy Life, by Lewis Comaro, Dr. Franklin, Dr. Scott. Philadelphia, 1796, 1803. Wroth, Lawrence C. Parson, Weems, a Biographical and Critical Study. Baltimore, 191 1. Norris, W. B. The Historian of the Cherry Tree. National Magazine, Feb., 1910. Gray, Arthur P. Weems. In Hayden's Virginia Genealogies. Wirt, William. Two Principal Arguments on the Trial of Aaron Burr. Rich- mond, 1808. Sketches of the Life and Character of Patrick Henry. Philadelphia, 1817. Discourse on the Lives and Characters of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. Washington, 1826. Address in Celebration in Baltimore of the Triumph of Liberty in France. Baltimore, 1830. See, also, Bibliography for Book II, Chap. ill. Kennedy, J. P., Discourse on the Life and Character of William Wirt. Balti- more, 1834. Memoirs of the Life of William Wirt. 2 vols. Phila., 1849; rev. ed. Phila., 1850, 1852, 1853, 1856, i860. Hall, J. H. Life of William Wirt. In Lewis, Great American Lawyers, vol. 2. Southard, S. L. Discourse on the Professional Character and Virtues of the late William Wirt. Washington, 1834.